How to Write a Synopsis

Elizabeth Kracht breaks down the synopsis in simple terms to get you well on your way to a first draft, plus more from Writer’s Digest!

The synopsis is the bane of every fiction writer’s existence. A quick search online for memes on the theme of “writing a synopsis” yields many humorous results for how frustrating the process is for writers. “I’d rather drive railroad spikes into my own eyes than have to write a synopsis,” is one of a few you’ll find.

A synopsis is usually a one-page, single-spaced document required by agents or publishing-house editors when submitting your fiction novel. Writing a synopsis is difficult for many fiction writers because it’s a technical piece of writing rather than creative. In this three-hour live webinar, Elizabeth will break down the synopsis in simple terms, and get you well on your way to a first draft by the end of the webinar. This webinar will be interactive with study examples and plenty of time for questions and answers.

Register for the 2024 Writer's Digest Annual Conference!

Writer's Digest Annual Conference is excited to meet in person this October in the home town of Writer's Digest!

Writer's Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career—all while being inspired by successful authors and your fellow attendees. It’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage of their career for over 100 years.

Write in Italy With Writer's Digest!

From Editor-in-Chief Amy Jones: In my blog post announcing the Writer’s Digest Writing Retreat to Florence and the Tuscan countryside, I mentioned that writers throughout history have found inspiration from their time in the region. Because I so quickly fell in love with Florence, I’ve spent a lot of time reading books that take place in Florence and that are inspired by the sights there. It was reading about those specific places that informed what I made sure to visit, and subsequently what inspired the itinerary for this retreat. Here I’ll share some photos I took for my own writing reference and the reasoning behind the places we’ll see.

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