Perfecting Your Submission Materials with Fuse Literary Agency

Agents get literally thousands of submissions a year, including query letters, sample pages, and synopses. Here, learn how to perfect your submission materials from Fuse Literary Agency, and more from Writer’s Digest!

Agents get literally thousands of submissions a year, including query letters, sample pages, and synopses. Of those thousands, they request a full manuscript from few and offer representation to even fewer.

Think of your submission package as a job application for your novel. You not only want to apply to the right people, the ones who have a passion for the books you write, but you want to present your novel in such a way that they will easily see what your book has to offer. This live Writer's Digest boot camp will teach you how to put together a dynamic yet professional submission package that will show agents you take your potential author career seriously and make them want to read your work.

In this boot camp from Fuse Literary Agency, attendees will learn how to put together a short yet effective query letter and a one- to two-page book synopsis (fiction). They’ll also learn some best practices for submitting their query, pages, and synopsis to agents.

Each attendee will have the opportunity to have ten pages critiqued by an agent along with their work in any combination: query letter, manuscript pages, and synopsis.

Writer's Digest Presents: How to Misdirect Your Readers

Have you ever have that experience reading a book where you think it's about one thing, and then slowly it starts to reveal that it's actually about something else? We call this "misdirection," a narrative device that allows writers to write the story they want to write while allowing an undercurrent of what the story is "actually about."

In this conversation with editor-in-chief Amy Jones and content editor Michael Woodson sit down with author Lydia Kiesling about how to intentionally misdirect your readers, writing about climate change in realistic fiction, and her new novel Mobility, available in bookstores August 1.

Watch The Episode On YouTube!

There's Still Time to Register for the Annual Conference!

Writer's Digest Annual Conference is excited to meet in person this August! More details will be available soon including a call for speakers, registration, etc. As time evolves we will post updates so be sure to check our website for the latest information.

Writer's Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career—all while being inspired by successful authors and your fellow attendees. It’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage of their career for over 100 years.

Deadline to Register is August 17!

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