Point of View: Finding The Heart of Your Story
Learn the nuances of POV and how to avoid POV pitfalls, plus more from Writer’s Digest!
Point of view is THE essential element that ties together all other components of any type or genre of story. It is, in fact, the very heart of story.
As such, point of view (POV) can make or break a story, whether that story is romance, science fiction, fantasy, literary, mystery, contemporary or historical, written for adults or young adults … any story!
Master POV, and you’ll ensure that all the other elements will work together for a compelling read. Your characters will come to life on the page and your flow at just the right pace. But botch POV view, and your characters will not ring true, your plot will feel forced, your pace will be off… no matter how beautifully written your descriptions are or how great the story concept.
In this online writing course, you will learn the nuances of POV and how to avoid POV pitfalls, how time is an essential part of POV, how POV intersects with character, how to choose the right POV for each story, and how to handle unusual or tricky POVs.
Agent One-on-One: How to Craft Query Letters & Other Submission Materials That Get Noticed Boot Camp
When your submission materials—a query letter, synopsis, manuscript, or book proposal—arrive in an agent's inbox, they land among hundreds of others. At that point, one of two things will happen. Either the agent (or the agent’s assistant) will like the submission and request more materials, or they will reply with a rejection.
Attendees will learn how to write a dynamite query letter, tackle a one-page synopsis (for fiction) and a book proposal (for nonfiction). The instructing literary agents will also explain the importance of author platform in addition to basic etiquette in dealing with an agent and manuscript basics.
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