WD Presents: 7 WDU Courses, a Chat With Ran Walker, and More!
This week, we’re excited to announce 7 WDU courses, a chat about flash fiction with Ran Walker, and more!
There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.
This week, we're excited to announce 7 WDU courses, a chat about flash fiction with Ran Walker, and more!
7 WDU Courses Begin This Week!
Copyediting Certificate Program
Writer's Digest is proud to offer our Copyediting Certificate Program. This course will provide training for aspiring copy editors in order to give them practical and marketable workplace skills. As a student in this certification course, you will progress from the fundamentals of grammar, form, and composition to advanced copyediting skills.
Advanced Novel Writing
Push yourself beyond your comfort zone and take your writing to new heights with this novel writing course, designed specifically for novelists who are looking for detailed feedback on their work. When you take this online course, you won't have weekly reading assignments or lectures. Instead, you'll get to focus solely on completing your novel.
Outlining Your Novel
Writers often look upon outlines with fear and trembling. But when properly understood and correctly used, the outline is one of the most powerful weapons in a writer's arsenal. With the help of the book Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success by K.M. Weiland, you will learn how to write an outline as you explore what type of outline is right for you, brainstorm plot ideas, and discover your characters.
21 Days to Your Novel Outline and Synopsis
Outlines for novels can seem daunting. The synopsis, even more so. A synopsis is something you’re going to need because it’s vital to selling your novel if you’re going to query agents or publishers. And the outline is going to save you time while you’re writing your novel. Starting with your premise, expanding your outline, and then writing your synopsis is the perfect way to understand exactly what your story is about and how to get it done.
Pitch an Article: Write for Today's Marketplace
This intensive two-week course will teach you how to craft a good pitch letter and do it well. Be ready to mine your life for ideas. Start thinking about a great spin on a topic or an unusual personal experience that you'd like to write about in class.
Writing the Young Adult Novel
Are you new to writing fiction for young adults? Do you want to learn how to write a young adult book and break into the market? Let Writing the Young Adult Novel be your guide. When you take this workshop, you'll get step-by-step instruction on writing for young adults and learn how to sell your novel.
Creativity & Expression
When you take this online course, you’ll explore creative writing topics and learn how descriptive writing can breathe life into your characters, setting, and plot with Rebecca McClanahan’s Word Painting. Stretch your imagination, develop your creative writing skills, and express your creativity with this writing course.
Watch Ran Walker and Editor-in-Chief Amy Jones Chat About Flash Fiction!
Interested in flash fiction? Listen and watch as Editor-in-Chief Amy Jones chats with Ran Walker about writing, particularly flash fiction, drabbles, and dribbles!
Answer Our “From Our Readers” Question for a Chance at Publication!
We've recently announced our lated From Our Readers question: What book or short story with a sinister tone has had a lasting impact on you as a reader or writer?
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