WD Presents: A Flash Fiction Webinar, 7 WDU Courses, and More!

This week, we’re excited to announce a flash fiction webinar, 7 new WDU courses starting, and more!

There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.

This week, we’re excited to announce a flash fiction webinar, 7 new WDU courses starting, and more!


Sign Up for Remixing the Classics: Writing New Flash Fiction From Old Stories!

Let’s be honest. Writing flash fiction comes with a different set of obstacles than writing long-form fiction. The biggest of those obstacles, though, is finding a constant source of story ideas. But what if there were already story ideas around you that you could use to keep your pen moving/fingers typing?

During this live webinar, award-winning writer Ran Walker will teach you how to find and mine ideas for your flash fiction. He will show you how to take stories in the public domain and “remix” them into new stories. Ran will also show you how to put your own spin on these ideas and make them truly yours.


Literary Agent Boot Camp: Perfecting Submission Materials Begins This Week!

It's your last chance to sign up for our literary agent boot camp, "Perfecting Submission Materials." In this boot camp from Fuse Literary Agency, attendees will learn how to put together a short yet effective query letter and a one- to two-page book synopsis (fiction). They’ll also learn some best practices for submitting their query, pages, and synopsis to agents.

Each attendee will have the opportunity to have ten pages critiqued by an agent along with their work in any combination: query letter, manuscript pages, and synopsis.


Seven WDU Courses Begin This Week!

Advanced Novel Writing

Push yourself beyond your comfort zone and take your writing to new heights with this novel writing course, designed specifically for novelists who are looking for detailed feedback on their work. When you take this online course, you won't have weekly reading assignments or lectures. Instead, you'll get to focus solely on completing your novel.

Breaking Into Copywriting 101

Writing is your passion. Why not make it your day job, too? Whether you’re an aspiring screenwriter, novelist or playwright, or even just an avid reader, you can turn your love for words into a lucrative career as a professional copywriter. Learn how to become a copywriter by building your portfolio and marketing your services through this online workshop.

Fundamentals of Fiction

Have an amazing story idea, but need to learn the basics of how to write a book? Creating a story that is dynamic and engaging takes a lot more than just setting aside an hour every day to write.

This course will take you through all of the basics of writing a novel, including how important it is to choose a great setting, how to build characters, what point of view you should choose, how to write great dialogue, and more.

Writing the Personal Essay 101: Fundamentals

This course guides beginning and intermediate writers through elements of how to write a personal essay, helping them identify values expressed in their stories, and bring readers into the experiences described. Writers learn how to avoid the dreaded responses of “so what?" and “I guess you had to be there" by utilizing sensory details, learning to trust their writing intuitions, and developing a skilled internal editor to help with revision.

Form and Composition

Proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics make your writing correct. In order to truly write well, you must also master the art of form and composition. From sentence structure to polishing your prose, this course will enhance your writing, no matter what type of writing you do.

Writing the Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel

Do you daydream about distant worlds and mythical creatures? If so, take this six-week course and transform your ideas into creative science fiction and fantasy novels. You'll discover the essential elements of fictional worlds, how to write a science fiction novel with intriguing characters and plot, and write up to 2,500 words for your science fiction or fantasy story.

Introduction to Copyediting

The heart of each session is a lecture that discusses important aspects of being a copy editor. Not only will students learn what a copy editor does and how she does it, they will also learn the crucial grammatical rules that will put them at the top of their game. Practice exercises allow them hands-on participation, and writing assignments reinforce each week’s skills.


Subscribe to Writer's Digest Presents: The Podcast!

Our new podcast "Writer's Digest Presents" streams new episodes every third Tuesday of the month, and is now available wherever you listen to your podcasts! Subscribe now to never miss a new episode!


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