WD Presents: Annual Writing Competition Now Accepting Submissions, How to Get Published Webinar, 4 WDU Courses, and More!
This week, we’re excited to announce the Annual Writing Competition’s open submissions, a webinar on landing a book deal in 2022, and more!
There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.
This week, we’re excited to announce the Annual Writing Competition’s open submissions, a webinar on landing a book deal in 2022, and more!
Enter Your Story Into the Annual Writing Competition Now!
Writer’s Digest has been shining a spotlight on up and coming writers in all genres through its Annual Writing Competition for over 90 years. Enter our 91st Annual Writing Competition for your chance to win and have your work be seen by editors and agents! Almost 500 winners will be chosen.
Four WDU Courses Start This Week!
Fearless Writing
If you love to write and have a story you want to tell, the only thing that can stand between you and the success you’re seeking isn’t craft, or a good agent, or enough Facebook friends and Twitter followers, but fear. Fortunately, you can’t write while being in the flow and be afraid simultaneously. The question is whether you will write fearlessly. In this workshop we’ll look at several techniques you can you use to keep yourself in the creative flow and out of the trouble and misery fear always causes.
Form and Composition
Proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics make your writing correct. In order to truly write well, you must also master the art of form and composition. From sentence structure to polishing your prose, this course will enhance your writing, no matter what type of writing you do.
Travel Writing
When you take this six-week course, you'll discover how to become a travel writer by exploring the different types of articles you can write and developing your writing style. You'll learn travel writing tips such as how to take your own photographs. Use this course to draft an article that keeps readers captivated and garners interest from travel editors.
Writing the Memoir 101
The goal of this course is to teach you how to structure your stories, develop your storytelling skills, and give you the tips, techniques, and knowledge to adapt your own life stories into a chronological memoir. Learn more about the genre through Writing and Selling Your Memoir by Paula Balzer and The Truth of Memoir by Kerry Cohen.
Sign Up for How to Get Published: Land a Book Deal in 2022!
Book publishing is undergoing a dramatic transformation as e-book sales increase and physical bookstores decrease in number. These changes affect the traditional book deals that get made—meaning that authors have to adjust their strategies to adapt to a risk-averse and uncertain industry.
This intensive and information-filled 120-minute live webinar helps you think like an industry insider who makes decisions every day on what work merits print publication. You'll get practical advice and tools to help you develop strong pitch letters and proposal materials for both fiction and nonfiction-plus back-door methods for networking with agents and editors.
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