WD Presents: Effective Book Marketing Webinar, 7 WDU Course, and More!
This week, we’re excited to announce our Effective Book Marketing webinar, 7 WDU courses, and more!
There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.
This week, we’re excited to announce our Effective Book Marketing webinar, 7 WDU courses, and more!
Join Our Effective Book Marketing for Any Author Webinar!
Whether traditionally published or self-published, every author must give some thought to book marketing. But given how fast tools and techniques change, and how hard it is to attract attention, it can be challenging to figure out what’s worthwhile to focus on. Plus what worked for another author’s book launch won’t necessarily work for you.
In this live webinar taught by publishing industry expert Jane Friedman, you’ll learn the key foundations of every book marketing campaign but also how to develop a personalized framework that’s appropriate to your strengths and abilities. Fortunately, most book marketing isn’t about having a big bankroll, but having sufficient time and energy to devote to it, consistently, over time. Few authors truly lack marketing opportunities; most lack sufficient focus and patience to pursue those opportunities, or feel overwhelmed by the task and end up doing nothing at all.
7 WDU Courses Begin This Week!
Pitch an Article: Write for Today's Marketplace
This intensive two-week course will teach you how to craft a good pitch letter and do it well. Be ready to mine your life for ideas. Start thinking about a great spin on a topic or an unusual personal experience that you'd like to write about in class.
Creativity & Expression
When you take this online course, you’ll explore creative writing topics and learn how descriptive writing can breathe life into your characters, setting, and plot with Rebecca McClanahan’s Word Painting. Stretch your imagination, develop your creative writing skills, and express your creativity with this writing course.
Short Story Fundamentals
Throughout this four-week course, you will have feedback and support while you write and hone an entire short story from beginning to end, and you'll leave with a polished draft of your story. You will get insider information about what editors are looking for in short stories they choose to publish. Literary journals are always looking for quality stories, and with the advances in online submissions, getting your work in front of an editor has never been easier.
Writing the Picture Book
Picture books are one of the most delightful—and important—genres in all of literature. In this course, you'll learn how to write a winning picture book narrative, envision it with illustrations, and put together a picture package that a publisher will really notice.
Read Like a Writer: Learn from the Masters
This course will demonstrate that the best way to become a good writer is to study the writing of others, especially the work of the masters. Because there are no hard-and-fast rules to writing, it’s important to study what other writers have done and how they consciously make narrative decisions and meticulously select details based on audience and purpose.
Getting Started in Writing
Have you always wanted to be a writer? Don't let doubt or fear get the best of you—take a chance and learn how to start writing a book, novel, short story, memoir, or essay. When you take this online writing course, you'll discover your voice, learn the basics of grammar and examine the different types of writing. No matter what type of writing you're planning on crafting—nonfiction or fiction—you'll need guidance along the way.
Fitting Writing Into Your Life
Finding the time, energy, and motivation to get the writing done—day after day—stumps even the most seasoned writer on occasion. Life as a writer can be difficult to sustain, especially if you don’t have the direction, organization, and support you need. Get a glimpse into the life of a professional writer and set realistic writing goals for yourself with this online workshop.
Get To Know This Year's Annual Conference Central Keynote Speaker Elizabeth Acevedo!
National Book Award winner Elizabeth Acevedo talks writing novels in verse, tips for NaNoWriMo success, and developing characters for YA in this interview from WD's Sept/Oct 2021 issue. Get to know this year's central keynote speaker now.
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