WD Presents: Last Chance to Register for the Short Story Virtual Conference, and More!

This week, we’re excited to announce your last chance to register for our Short Story Virtual Conference, 7 WDU courses, and more!

There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.

This week, we're excited to announce your last chance to register for our Short Story Virtual Conference, 7 WDU courses, and more!


Last Chance to Register for the Short Story Virtual Conference!

Writer's Digest is pleased to present an exclusive virtual conference for short story writers! On May 19-21, our 3rd Annual Short Story Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SEVEN award-winning and bestselling authors on the finer points of how to write a short story. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft skills, marketing your short fiction, editing, and getting the tools you need to advance your career as a writer from seven different published authors, then (if you choose) submit up to 500 words of a short story to an editor for critique. The editor will provide you with a personalized critique of your short story.


7 WDU Courses Begin This Week!

21 Days to Your Novel Outline and Synopsis

This course is designed to help you understand how to craft a winning premise, how to outline your novel, and then how to take both of those things and assemble a synopsis that will act as a guide for you to write your novel and sell it.

Build Your Novel Scene by Scene

If you want to learn how to write a story, but aren’t quite ready yet to hunker down and write 10,000 words or so a week, this is the course for you. Build Your Novel Scene by Scene will offer you the impetus, the guidance, the support, and the deadline you need to finally stop talking, start writing, and, ultimately, complete that novel you always said you wanted to write.

Form and Composition

Proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics make your writing correct. In order to truly write well, you must also master the art of form and composition. From sentence structure to polishing your prose, this course will enhance your writing, no matter what type of writing you do.

Introduction to Copyediting

Copy editors are not the stars of the show when it comes to publishing and news media but they do help the stars to shine. If you’ve thought about becoming a copy editor but you’re not sure how to go about it, this is the course for you. It’s also a fitting course for college students who want to work for the school newspaper, creative writers who want to self-edit their manuscripts, teachers needing to brush up on the real-world basics for their English courses, and businesspeople striving to sound as competent and together on the page as they possibly can.

Writing the Middle Grade Book

Any middle-grade book author will tell you that writing an effective book is more challenging than reading one! Take this online course and learn the essential elements of writing for kids and how to break into children’s publishing. Throughout this 8-week course, you can expect to read lectures and complete weekly writing assignments. Plus, you will read The Writer’s Guide to Crafting Stories for Children by Nancy Lamb and learn how to write a middle-grader’s book. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll be able to write the middle-grade book you’ve always wanted.

Writing the Personal Essay 101: Fundamentals

This course guides beginning and intermediate writers through elements of how to write a personal essay, helping them identify values expressed in their stories and bring readers into the experiences described. Writers learn how to avoid the dreaded responses of “so what?" and “I guess you had to be there" by utilizing sensory details, learning to trust their writing intuitions, and developing a skilled internal editor to help with revision.

Travel Writing

When you take this six-week course, you'll discover how to become a travel writer by exploring the different types of articles you can write and developing your writing style. You'll learn travel writing tips such as how to take your own photographs. Use this course to draft an article that keeps readers captivated and garners interest from travel editors.


Your Story #122: Vote Now!

Out of over 100 entries, WD editors chose the following 5 finalists. Vote for your favorite entry using the poll at the bottom of this page.


Register Now for the Annual Writing Conference in New York!

Writer's Digest Annual Conference is excited to meet in person this August! More details will be available soon including a call for speakers, registration, etc. As time evolves we will post updates so be sure to check our website for the latest information.

Writer's Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career—all while being inspired by successful authors and your fellow attendees. It’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage of their career for over 100 years.

Deadline to Register is Thursday, June 13!


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