WD Presents: The Humor Writing Virtual Conference, 5 WDU Courses, and More!
This week, we’re excited to announce the Humor Writing Virtual Conference, five WDU courses, and more!
There's always so much happening in the Writer's Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what's on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what's happening and when.
This week, we're excited to announce the Humor Writing Virtual Conference, five WDU courses, and more!
Register for the 2nd Annual Humor Writing Virtual Conference!
Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for anyone wanting to inject humor into their writing! On June 24, 2023, our WDU 2nd Annual Humor Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from FOUR award-winning and bestselling humor authors on the finer points of how to write humor. Spend the day learning techniques for honing your craft from four different published humor authors, then (if you choose) you can have your query letter critiqued by one of our participating literary agents. The literary agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query letter.
Experience the education, camaraderie, and opportunities provided by a live writing conference without ever having to leave your home!
Five WDU Courses Begin This Week!
Comp Titles Intensive: The Essential Tool That Can Launch Your Career
This one-week intensive will walk you through the process of finding comparable titles and authors. Finding and using “comp” titles is one of the hardest parts of querying and this class will demystify the process. The class covers what the industry uses comps for and why they are so important. Then it shows HOW to find the titles with the best sales numbers by using readily accessible online tools. This seven-step process to find the best comps does not need to be frustrating or difficult. Amy will walk the entire class through the process and give one-on-one assistance.
Build Your Novel Scene by Scene
If you want to learn how to write a story, but aren’t quite ready yet to hunker down and write 10,000 words or so a week, this is the course for you. Build Your Novel Scene by Scene will offer you the impetus, the guidance, the support, and the deadline you need to finally stop talking, start writing, and, ultimately, complete that novel you always said you wanted to write.
Write Great Dialogue
Dialogue can be one of the most interesting parts of a book to read, but only if it is done right. Sharpen your writing skills and challenge yourself to craft engaging, yet believable dialogue that will keep your readers interested. When you take this online writing workshop you’ll discover how to write dialogue that advances your story’s plot.
Writing the Memoir 101
The goal of this course is to teach you how to structure your stories, develop your storytelling skills, and give you the tips, techniques, and knowledge to adapt your own life stories into a chronological memoir. Learn more about the genre through Writing and Selling Your Memoir by Paula Balzer and The Truth of Memoir by Kerry Cohen. You'll take a look at personal memoirs as well as memoir writing prompts and tips. Learn how to write a powerful memoir that will engage readers for years to come.
Writing the Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel
Do you daydream about distant worlds and mythical creatures? If so, take this six-week course and transform your ideas into creative science fiction and fantasy novels. You'll discover the essential elements of fictional worlds, how to write a science fiction novel with intriguing characters and plot, and write up to 2,500 words for your science fiction or fantasy story.
Deadline to Enter the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition is Tomorrow!
Writer’s Digest has been shining a spotlight on up-and-coming writers in all genres through its Annual Writing Competition for over 90 years. Enter our 92nd Annual Writing Competition for your chance to win and have your work be seen by editors and agents! The grand-prize winner receives $5,000 in cash, an interview with them in Writer’s Digest (Nov/Dec 2023 issue) and on WritersDigest.com, a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including a special trophy presentation at the keynote, and more!
Deadline to enter: June 19, 2023
Join Us In New York This Summer for the Annual Writing Conference!
Writer's Digest Annual Conference is excited to meet in person this August! More details will be available soon including a call for speakers, registration, etc. As time evolves we will post updates so be sure to check our website for the latest information.
Writer's Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career—all while being inspired by successful authors and your fellow attendees. It’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage of their career for over 100 years.
Deadline to Register is August 17!
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