Writer’s Digest Best Job and Market Websites 2022
Here are the top job and market websites as identified in the 24th Annual 101 Best Websites from the May/June 2022 issue of Writer’s Digest.
Here are the top job and market websites as identified in the 24th Annual 101 Best Websites from the May/June 2022 issue of Writer's Digest.
An award-winning subscription-based resource for writers, this site includes a database of more than 7,000 active agents and publishers in over 40 countries, news pages to stay up to date on the latest publishing news, and a personalized deadline calendar. There are two subscription tracks: $5/month or $50/year.
Funds for Writers
C. Hope Clark’s Funds for Writers is a staple on this list for good reason. Sign up for the free weekly newsletter for a list of 24–30 paying opportunities for writers. You can also scour the website for contests, grants, markets, and other resources to increase your writing income.
Journalism Jobs
If you’re looking for a job that allows you to write all the time (or to supplement your other writing income), check out Journalism Jobs. With full-time and freelance listings for both writing and editing, this site allows you to both post a résumé and search job listings in the media business.
While recently acquired by Draft2Digital, Smashwords will (for the foreseeable future) remain a free e-book publishing and distribution platform that makes it easy for authors, publishers, and literary agents to distribute files to retailers and readers while retaining full control over how the works are published, sampled, and priced.
Who Pays Writers
It’s all in the name: this is a crowd-sourced, anonymous list of publications that pay freelance journalists. Founded in 2012 by Manjula Martin, it is now run by a group of volunteer freelancers.
WriteJobs has been providing job leads for writers for over a decade. Founded in 2010, they list remote, paying job leads, competition openings, and more through an ever-updating list of links on their site.