The Writer’s Digest Podcast, Episode 3: Writing and Publishing Short Stories and Essays — Interview with Windy Lynn Harris

In this episode of the Writer’s Digest Podcast, Gabriela Pereira talks with Windy Lynn Harris about writing and publishing short stories, personal essays and nonfiction articles.

Welcome, welcome, writers! From fiction to nonfiction, whatever your genre persuasion—whether you write personal essays in the voice of your cat or epic how-to articles about how to get bubble gum out of your kid’s hair—the Writer’s Digest podcast is for you.

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing a wonderful writer and dear friend Windy Lynn Harris on the show!

Windy Lynn Harris is a professional storyteller. Although she does write novels, she is a go-to person in the industry when it comes to writing and publishing short stories, personal essays and nonfiction articles. Her own short work has been published in numerous magazines such as The Literary Review and The Sunlight Press.

Windy is also the founder of Market Coaching for Creative Writers, a mentoring program that teaches writers how to get their stories on the page and into the hands of the right editors.

Listen in as Windy and I geek out about writing and selling short stories, personal essays, and nonfiction articles.

This episode of the Writer’s Digest Podcast is brought to you by Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, where you can hear Windy Lynn Harris address topics like this in person. For more info about the Writer’s Digest Conference this summer check out And don’t forget to use the coupon code mentioned in the episode to get $25 off your registration!

In this episode Windy shares:

  • Why short form helps flex your creative muscles.
  • What differentiates short stories, personal essays, and nonfiction articles.
  • The 5 steps to publishing short pieces.
  • Which types of pieces to pitch before you write, and which ones you must write entirely before you submit.
  • Common mistakes to avoid when submitting and producing short work.

Listen in to hear Windy talk about all these things… and more!

Return to the WD Podcast homepage.

Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays: The Essential Guide to Getting Your Work Published

About Windy Lynn Harris

Windy Lynn Harris is a professional storyteller. She writes novels, short stories, personal essays, and nonfiction from her desk in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. She’s a prolific writer, a trusted mentor, and a frequent speaker at literary events around the country. Her long list of short stories and essays have been published in literary, trade, and women’s magazines across the U.S. and Canada in places like The Literary Review, The Sunlight Press, and Literary Mama, among many other journals.

Windy is also the founder of Market Coaching for Creative Writers, a mentoring program that teaches writers how to get their stories on the page and into the hands of the right editors. She understands how to convert an idea into a polished piece of writing. Her book, Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays: The Essential Guide to Getting Your Work Published (Writer’s Digest Books), has become the industry’s go-to manual for writers of all skill levels. She teaches the craft of writing in person and online.

  • Connect with Windy and learn more about her work at
  • Need a boost to start writing short fiction? Learn about StoryADayMay from its founder Julie Duffy in her interview on DIY MFA Radio.
  • Want to gain an even deeper understanding of writing and selling short form work? There are some DIY MFA interviews that will help. Listen to this episode to learn how short fiction can aid your novel creation from author Susan Perabo. And for tips on how to be an author entrepreneur and get published in any market, check out this interview with Joanna Penn.

Gabriela Pereira is an author, speaker, and self-proclaimed word nerd whose book DIY MFA: Write with Focus, Read with Purpose, Build Your Community shows you how to recreate the Master of Fine Arts experience without going back to school. As the founder and instigator of, Gabriela’s mission is to empower writers to take an entrepreneurial approach to their education and professional growth. She earned her MFA in creative writing from The New School and teaches at national conferences, local workshops, and online. She also hosts the podcast "DIY MFA Radio," where she interviews best-selling authors and book industry insiders about the art and business of writing.