Writer’s Digest Presents: VenCo Book Club with Cherie Dimaline (Podcast, Season 2, Episode 3)

In the third episode of the second season of the Writer’s Digest Presents podcast, editor-in-chief Amy Jones and content editor Michael Woodson sit down with author Cherie Dimaline to discuss her new novel, VenCo.

In the third episode of the second season of the Writer's Digest Presents podcast, editor-in-chief Amy Jones and content editor Michael Woodson sit down with author Cherie Dimaline to discuss her new novel, VenCo.

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In this episode, Amy and Michael speak with Cherie about the writing process, how she knows when to write for adults vs. young adults, the joy of writing complicated villains, and more.

From Cherie Dimaline:

"There cannot be extraordinary without ordinary. We don't need some kind of outside person tapping us and saying, 'You're allowed to move forward.' We can do that ourselves."

Listen To the Episode Here:

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