Exploring Emotionally Complex Characters and Writing What You Know (From Script)
In this week’s round up from Script, learn how to resolve writing blocks that can help you resolve life blocks, writing emotionally rich and complex characters, and so much more.
In this week’s round up brought to us by ScriptMag.com, learn how to resolve writing blocks that can help you resolve life blocks, writing emotionally rich and complex characters, and meet Guy Crawford, featured in our Horror Screenwriters on the Verge Spotlight column. Plus, a one-on-one interview with HBO Max’s Emmy-nominated show "Hacks", creator and showrunner Jen Statsky!
WRITE TO LIVE: How Writing Scripts Can Change Your Life
It’s easy to see that our first script is usually autobiographical to some extent. Why? Of course, we write what we know, but I also believe we have something inside that needs to be expressed and dealt with. Once it’s out, it clears the creative pipes so more creativity can flow.
Horror Screenwriters on the Verge Spotlights Screenwriter Guy Crawford
Script contributor Nanea Taylor speaks with up-and-coming Horror screenwriter Guy Crawford about his horror scripts, his New Orleans background and how his home is reflected in his work, what projects he's currently working on, and more!
INDIE SPOTLIGHT: Interview with 'Summer Days, Summer Nights' Filmmaker Edward Burns
Script's Editor Sadie Dean interviews indie filmmaker Edward Burns about his new ensemble film Summer Days, Summer Nights, his journey starting out as an English major to finding his passion as a screenwriter and director, and forging his own path as an independent storyteller.
Finding Honesty in Dark Corners with No Man of God Director Amber Sealey
Director Amber Sealey corners her flawed characters in her new film No Man of God, by tapping into human connection, trust and deceit. In this interview, Amber touches on what draws her to flawed characters, effectively communicating with her cast and offers advice for budding filmmakers.
Writing Generational Perspectives with "Hacks" Creator and Showrunner Jen Statsky
Script's Editor Sadie Dean speaks one-on-one with 'Hacks' creator and showrunner Jen Statsky about the exploration of the characters of the show, her traditional and non-traditional journey to becoming a TV writer, and what she hopes for the future of television content.