11 Reasons Writing is Good for Your Health

Most of us write simply because we love to. It’s an outlet for our creativity. It’s fun. (Hard work, sure, but fun.) As it turns out, writing’s got some health perks, too.

Most of us write simply because we love to. It’s an outlet for our creativity. It’s fun. (Hard work, sure, but fun.) As it turns out, writing’s got some health perks, too. Here are 11 science-backed ways writing improves your mind, body and spirit:

This infographic is courtesy of Sierra Delarosa of Global English Editing. Visit them online at geediting.com or on Twitter @geediting.

Baihley Grandison is the assistant editor of Writer's Digest and a freelance writer.

Follow her on Twitter @baihleyg, where she mostly tweets about writing (Team Oxford Comma!), food (HUMMUS FOR PRESIDENT, PEOPLE), and Random Conversations With Her Mother.