Who Reads the Most in the World? (It’s not the U.S.)
If you’re a bookworm, you probably read more than most people you know. If you’re a competitive bookworm, you want to know how much more you read than most people you know. If you fall into the latter camp, wonder no more. This infographic lays out the reading prowess of countries across the globe, along with other fun literacy facts.
If you’re a bookworm, you probably read more than most people you know. If you’re a competitive bookworm, you want to know how much more you read than most people you know. If you fall into the latter camp, wonder no more. This infographic lays out the reading prowess of countries across the globe, along with other fun literacy facts.

Baihley GrandisonAuthor
Baihley Grandison is a previous associate editor of Writer's Digest and a freelance writer. Follow her on Twitter @baihleyg, where she mostly tweets about writing (Team Oxford Comma!), food (HUMMUS FOR PRESIDENT, PEOPLE), and Random Conversations With Her Mother.
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