Vintage Writer Cartoons and Jokes

(Your Moment of Friday Writing Zen) Every week, I spelunk into the Writer’s Digest archives to find the wisest, funniest, or downright strangest moments from our 92 years of publication….

(Your Moment of Friday Writing Zen)

Every week, I spelunk into the Writer's Digest archives to find the wisest, funniest, or downright strangest moments from our 92 years of publication.

This week, here’s an array of vintage writer cartoons/writer comics from 1952 (which was a delightfully writer-joke–heavy year for the magazine).

Happy Friday!

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)

(Writer's Digest, 1952)


Want more from the archives? Check out our January 2012 issue (The Novelist’s Survival Kit), which features “Tried & True: Timeless Novel Advice” from the likes of Stephen King and 22 others. And for 90 tips from our 90-year retrospective in 2010, click here.

Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.