Writing Prompt: Write the Red Letter/the Dead Letter
WRITING PROMPT: Red Letter/Dead LetterFeel free to take the following prompt home or post a response (500 words or fewer, funny, sad or stirring) in the Comments section below. By…
WRITING PROMPT: Red Letter/Dead Letter
free to take the following prompt home or post a
response (500
words or fewer, funny, sad or stirring) in the Comments section below.
By posting, you’ll be automatically entered in our
occasional around-the-office swag drawings.
you’re having trouble with the
captcha code sticking, e-mail your piece and the prompt to me at
writersdigest@fwmedia.com, with “Promptly” in the subject line, and I’ll
make sure it gets up.
At a used book sale, you purchase a leather-bound volume. At home, you
thumb through the pages and an old letter tumbles out.
What does it say? Write the letter.
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Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.