Page After Page

Discover the confidence and passion you need to start writing and keep writing (no matter what!)

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Page After Page
Discover the Confidence and Passion You Need to Start Writing and Keep Writing (No Matter What!)
by Heather Sellers
Writer's Digest Books, 2004
ISBN: 978-158297-312-8
$19.99 hardcover, 240 pages

About the Book
False starts. Self-doubt. Mind games. They end the moment you pick up this book. With an inspiring mix of humor, wisdom, and creativity, Page After Page shows you how to find the courage and commitment to start writing and keep writing.

Author Heather Sellers draws on twenty years of teaching and personal writing experience to provide lively anecdotes and exercises to help you develop a mindset and lifestyle conducive to daily creation. As each chapter takes you deeper into the eccentric, exclusive world known only to writers, you'll learn how to build a productive creative life that keeps you writing page after page, day after day.

About the Author
Heather Sellers is a professor of English at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, where she teaches creative writing and writes every day. She has just completed a memoir, Face First, and a new textbook for the college classroom, The Practice of Creative Writing. Her fiction and poetry appear regularly in journals and anthologies. She enjoys public speaking, triathlons, cooking, kids, and growing Japanese vegetables. Her Web site is

Praise for the Book
"I wish that, when I began writing The Deep End of the Ocean, I'd had Heather Seller's Page After Page to guide me, like a comforting hand on my elbow, leading me through the darkness of the unknowable narrative."
—Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of The Deep End of the Ocean.

Check out Heather Seller's other book Chapter After Chapter.

Heather Sellers is the author of two popular guides to the writing life, Page after Page and Chapter after Chapter as well as a textbook for writers, The Practice of Creative Writing. Her award-winning memoir, You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know was an O, Oprah book of the month club selection. She teaches creative nonfiction at the University of South Florida. Find her on Twitter.