Songwriting Without Boundaries

Songwriting Without Boundaries Lyric Writing Exercises for Finding Your Voice by Pat Pattison Writer’s Digest Books, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-59963-297-1 $17.99, paperback, 240 pages Infuse your lyrics with sensory detail! Writing…

Songwriting Without Boundaries

Lyric Writing Exercises for Finding Your Voice

by Pat Pattison

Writer's Digest Books, 2011

ISBN: 978-1-59963-297-1

$17.99, paperback, 240 pages

Infuse your lyrics with sensory detail!

Writing great song lyrics requires practice and discipline. Songwriting Without Boundaries will help you commit to routine practice through fun writing exercises. This unique collection of more than 150 sense-bound prompts helps you develop the skills you need to:

• tap into your senses and inject your writing with vivid details
• effectively use metaphor and comparative language
• add rhythm to your writing and manage phrasing

Songwriters, as well as writers of other genres, will benefit from this collection of sensory writing challenges. Divided into four sections, Songwriting Without Boundaries features four different fourteen-day challenges with timed writing exercises, along with examples from other songwriters and poets. Contributing writers include multiple Grammy winning songwriter Gillian Welch, professional poet Caroline Harvey, a host of songwriters from the Berklee College of Music faculty, and others.

Includes foreword by professional songwriter Mike Reid (“I Can’t Make You Love Me,” performed by Bonnie Raitt)

About the Author:
Pat Pattison is a professor at Berklee College of Music, where he teaches lyric writing and poetry. His books include Writing Better Lyrics, The Essential Guide to Lyric Form and Structure, and The Essential Guide to Rhyming. In addition, Pat has developed four lyric writing courses for Berklee’s online school, and has written articles for a variety of industry publications. His internationally successful students include multiple Grammy winners John Mayer and Gillian Welch.

Scott Francis is a former editor and author of Writer's Digest Books.