WD Annual Competition Deadline Is Today!

No matter what you are writing, chances are there’s a spot for it in our 84st Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. And now there’s even greater incentive to enter as we’ve upped the ante …

No matter what you are writing, chances are there's a spot for it in our 84st Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition. And now there's even greater incentive to enter as we've upped the ante.

If you win, not only will you receive $5,000 in cash, national exposure for your work, a paid trip to the ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference in NYC and face-to-face meetings meetings with four editors or agents to talk about your writing, but you'll also get:

  • A 30-minute Platform Strategy Consultation with Chuck Sambuchino*
  • A one year subscription to Writer’s Digest eBooks

*A 30-Minute Platform Strategy Consultation with Chuck Sambuchino: In this 30-minute session, Chuck Sambuchino will review your current platform-building efforts, discuss goals for your platform, then provide tailored advice and a specific strategy for launching or growing your platform to achieve the results you want.

It's time to take a chance and believe in yourself and your work. If you're still not sold, consider these 4 reasons why this is the competition is worth your time.

(Be sure to check out more writing contests sponsored by Writer’s Digest.)

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Brian A. Klems is the editor of this blog, online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift bookOh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.

Follow Brian on Twitter: @BrianKlems
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Brian A. Klems is the former Senior Online Editor of Writer’s Digest, and author of Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster). Follow him on Twitter @BrianKlems.