5 Digital Discoverability Tips
By Rob Eagar Recently, I spoke at the inaugural Discoverability and Marketing Conference hosted by Digital Book World (www.DigitalBookWorld.com) in New York City. The theme of my presentation was “Discoverability…
By Rob Eagar
Recently, I spoke at the inaugural Discoverability and Marketing Conference hosted by Digital Book World (www.DigitalBookWorld.com) in New York City. The theme of my presentation was "Discoverability starts with psychology, rather than technology." My point was that you can get your book discovered, but if you fail to answer the reader's ultimate question, "What's in it for me?" then you still lose the book sale and potential word of mouth. The talk was well-received and during the conference and I learned several other interesting tidbits that were worth sharing with authors:
1. According to Kelly Gallagher from Bowker.com, a survey of 3,000 book buyers found that women, ages 30 - 44, (a coveted key demographic) discover new books in this order: a. In-person friend referral b. In-person retail store display c. Visit author website d. Review bestseller lists
What does this research mean to you? a. Create tools, such as free resources, that make it easy for people to tell friends about you. b. Get published with a traditional publisher who can get you shelf space in the major stores. c. Build a good author website, because it’s the 3rd most common way readers discover books.
2. According to Marshall Simmons of Define Media Group: a. Google has 67% of all search engine market share. b. Google is banking heavily on the success of their social media platform, Google Plus.
What does this mean to you? Setup a Google Plus account and link to it from your website and other platforms, because it gives you one more way to positively influence the Google search engine in your favor.
3. ShinDig is a startup company that is beta-testing a new video conferencing tool that lets authors setup live video chats with over 1,000 people. Try it out for free at: www.ShinDig.com
4. Several experts suggested that if you have a WordPress website, go to www.Yoast.com and get their great plug-ins for enhanced search engine optimization.
5. According to Jon Fine, the Director of Author and Publisher Relations at Amazon, the sky is not falling for traditional print books. Instead, sales of print books are going up, and sales of ebooks are going up. The digital revolution is causing everyone to read more - and that's good news for all involved in publishing. In addition, Amazon will soon be adding Facebook to their popular Author Page feature. Stay tuned for an announcement in the next 30 days.
Reminder: Rob Eagar’s new book from Writer’s Digest, Sell Your Book Like Wildfire, is now available in print and e-book formats. This is the bible of book marketing for authors and publishers. Get 288 pages packed with advanced information, real-life examples, and tips to start selling more books immediately. There are specific chapters on social media, word-of-mouth tools, Amazon, and a chapter dedicated to best practices for marketing fiction. In addition, get over 30 pages of free bonus updates online. Get your copy today at: http://www.writersdigestshop.com/sell-your-book-like-wildfire or http://www.BookWildfire.com
About the Author:
Rob Eagar is the founder of WildFire Marketing, a consulting practice that helps authors and publishers sell more books and spread their message like wildfire. He has assisted numerous New York Times bestselling authors and is author of the new book, Sell Your Book Like Wildfire. Find out more about Rob’s advice, products, and coaching services for authors at: www.startawildfire.com