10 Literary Agents Seeking Historical Romance NOW

Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint which agents are open to submissions at any given time. So with that in mind, I’m creating some new vertical lists of agents seeking queries right now, as of summer 2016.

Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint which agents are open to submissions at any given time. So with that in mind, I'm creating some new vertical lists of agents seeking queries right now, as of summer 2016.

This list is for historical romance.

All the agents listed below personally confirmed to me as of June 2016 that they are actively seeking historical romance submissions NOW. Some gave personal notes about their tastes while some did not. Good luck querying!


1. Scott Eagan (Greyhaus Literary)

How to Submit: submissions [@] greyhausagency.com. Send only a query letter within the body of the email.

Do not send attachments. Do not send partials or full manuscripts or a synopsis embedded in the email.


2. Jessica Watterson (Sandra Dijkstra Literary)

Notes: "I VERY much want American historical romance (particularly Civil War, westward expansion, and California Gold Rush) that would be super. I am accepting all types of historical, but American historical is definitely my wheelhouse, and I’m anticipating we’ll see a swing towards it in the next two years."

How to Submit: jessica [@] dijkstraagency.com. Please send a query letter, a one-page synopsis, a brief bio (including any description of your publishing history), and the first 10-15 pages of your manuscript. Please send all items in the body of the email, not as an attachment. Include the word "QUERY" in the subject line.


3. Nicole Resciniti (The Seymour Agency)

Notes: "Anything Highlander. Regency with a really distinct hook. Diverse settings and time periods. Would love something in the vein of Johanna Lindsey's 'Mallory' Family Saga or Teresa Medeiros (LADY OF CONQUEST, for example)."

How to Submit: Send all queries to nicole [at] theseymouragency.com. The subject line should be “QUERY: (Title)”. Please past the first five pages in the body of the e-mail.


4. Laura Bradford (Bradford Literary)

How to Submit: queries [@] bradfordlit.com. Subject line should begin as follows—QUERY: (The title of the manuscript and any SHORT message you would like us to see). Please email a query letter along with the first chapter of your manuscript and a synopsis. Please be sure to include the genre and word count in your cover letter.


5. Emmanuelle Morgen (Stonesong)

How to Submit: submissions [at] stonesong.com addressed to Emmanuelle. Include the word 'query' in the subject line of your email to ensure we receive it and it isn’t filtered as spam. Include the first chapter or first 10 pages of your work, pasted into the body of your email, so that we may get a sense of your writing. Please note that Emmanuelle is closed to submissions during the months of August and December. We also welcome queries from independent and self-published authors. If you have self-published your book and are interested in working with a publisher for future works, please include descriptions of published and forthcoming works, as well as information about sales and reviews.


6. Sarah Younger (Nancy Yost Literary Agency)

How to Submit: querysarah [@] nyliterary.com. Please send a query letter, along with the initial 25 pages of your material.

As sample material is vital for all queries, feel free to send via attachment rather than pasting pages directly into the body of your email.


7. Elise Erickson (Harold Ober)

How to Submit: Please email the first 15-20 pages of your manuscript, a concise query letter, and a brief synopsis to elise [@] haroldober.com.


8. Jen Hunt (Booker Albert)

How to Submit: Send queries to query [@] thebookeralbertagency.com. Include a query and the first 10 pages of your manuscript copy/pasted into the body of an email (no attachments unless requested), genre and word count, and your name and contact information. If you have publishing credits, please give us relevant information: name of the book/anthology/story, publisher, publication date, sales info. In the subject line: please be sure to include “Query” and Jen's name, and the title of your manuscript.

Notes: "I want the heroine who fit into the world. One head strong heroine is great, four is too many. I don't want instant attraction. have the heroine to fall for the hero for legitimate reasons. Also, make sure you spin a beautifully crafted, historical world. Check facts and customs. Nothing post 1940s."


9. Saritza Hernández (Corvisiero Literary Agency)

Notes: "I want Historical Romance, just not Regency era. Would love multicultural historical romance and young adult historical romance with LGBT main characters."

How to Submit: query [@] corvisieroagency.com. Saritza prefers that you paste the 1-2 page synopsis and the first 5 pages to the body of your query e-mail. No paper or faxed submissions will be reviewed. Address your query to Saritza specifically, using the phrase "Query for Saritza: [Name of Submission]" in the email Subject Line.


10. Patricia Nelson (Marsal Lyon Literary Agency)

How to Submit: Send query by email to patricia [@] MarsalLyonLiteraryAgency.com. Put "QUERY" in the email subject line. Please include a contact phone number as well as your email address.


BONUS: Taylor Taggerty (Waxman and Leavell)

How to Submit: To submit a project, please send a query letter ONLYvia email to taylorsubmit [@] waxmanleavell.com. Do not send attachments, though for fiction you may include 5-10 pages of your manuscript in the body of your email.

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Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.