Short Story Challenge: Where did the footprints come from? (Win publication in WD)
If you’re like me and you have far more New Year’s resolutions concerning writing and publishing than you do dieting, exercising or socializing, here’s something you may be interested in—a…
If you’re like me and you have far more New Year’s resolutions concerning writing and publishing than you do dieting, exercising or socializing, here’s something you may be interested in—a writing prompt, and a chance to have your fiction published in Writer’s Digest magazine.
In every issue of WD we give readers a chance to get published via the Your Story contest. Here’s the latest contest prompt from our January 2013 issue (which also features a stirring interview with the funny and wise novelist Lee Child):
A man who lives alone sees a set of footprints leading away from his house the morning after a heavy snowfall.
Want in? Post your story in the Comments section below, and it’ll automatically be entered in the competition.
The fine print:
- Your story must be 750 words or fewer, no exceptions.
- The deadline is Jan. 14, 2013. [Update: If you submit in the Comments section below, you have until 11:59 p.m., Jan. 16.]
- One entry per person, please.
- How it all works: We’ll select the top five entries and post them on our forum. In late January, readers will vote for their favorite to help determine the winner.
- This is a free writing competition. The prize is publication in WD.
- You can also submit your story via the online form here.
- Finally, as we say about this contest in the magazine: “You can be funny, poignant, witty, etc. It is, after all, your story.”
Good luck! Here’s to a new year of writing.
—Zachary Petit is an award-winning journalist, and the senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Like what you read from WD online? Check us out in print, or on your favorite mobile device.
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Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.