Top Tips From the Writer’s Digest Conference

The staying power of events like this weekend’s Writer’s Digest Conference comes down to one thing: Momentum. It’s energizing being in the company of so many like-minded people—the solidarity is…

The staying power of events like this weekend’s Writer's Digest Conference comes down to one thing: Momentum. It's energizing being in the company of so many like-minded people—the solidarity is encouraging, and the enthusiasm is contagious.

Perhaps best of all, you don’t have to attend in person to pick up on the positive energy. If you haven't been following the real-time recaps of conference sessions here on the blog and on Twitter via the #wdc12 hashtag, it's not too late to catch up now! Previous posts are right here for your perusal, and the #wdc12 Twitter feed is still going strong today.

Here's a sampling of some of our favorite tweets from the weekend:

Janice Campbell@janicecampbell
Writers have choices: Look for publishing partners that have direct-to-consumer links. Traditional NY publishers don't. #BarryEisler #wdc12

Believe that there is somebody out there who has been waiting their whole life to read the book you have inside you. #ChrisBaty #wdc12

Dan Blank@DanBlank
No matter what path of publishing you take, you are expected to focus on marketing, not just writing. @BarryEisler #wdc12

Christina Katz@thewritermama
#DailyPlatform So much of writing career success is just being willing to suit up and show up. Glad to see so many doing this! @ #WDC12

Jane Friedman@JaneFriedman
Memoirists: Voice is your personal fingerprint. It can make almost any topic interesting. -@memoirista #wdc12

Porter Anderson@Porter_Anderson
#wdc12 @NaNoWriMo's@chrisbaty quotes John Shedd: "A ship in harbor is safe. But that is not what ships are built for.”

#wdc12 folks: Check this fun way to see our tweets at @visibletweet (thanks to our buddy @namenick!)

Like what you see? If you weren’t able to attend this year but are interested in future WD events, mark your calendars now for next year’s New York conference in January 2013. Details won’t be far behind!

And if you did attend this year's event, we'd love it if you'd take a moment to leave a comment with your own top tips from the conference below. After all, what better way to keep that momentum going than to share it?

Jessica Strawser
Editor, Writer’s Digest

Follow me on Twitter: @jessicastrawser
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Jessica Strawser is editor-at-large for Writer's Digest and former editor-in-chief. She's also the author of several novels, including Not That I Could Tell and Almost Missed You.