10 Reasons Why Freelance Writers Shouldn’t Use Autocorrect on Mobile Gadgets
I strongly recommend bloggers to turn off the autocorrect on your phone. And here are 10 reasons to assure you.
If you are a freelance blogger, there might be dozens of articles waiting for you. And your goal is to provide high quality content as quickly as possible. That’s why a lot of writers use smartphones and tablets and craft posts on the go. Almost everyone uses autocorrect to save time on typing, but is it really so good? As for me, I strongly recommend bloggers to turn off the autocorrect on your phone. And here are 10 reasons to assure you.
1. You won’t get in an awkward situation
When you use autocorrect, you often type so fast that you don’t even pay attention to what you send. It may bring into a funny or even awkward situation and turn “day” into “gay” or “come” into “cunt”. You might have already laughed at funny autocorrect mistakes. “Funny autocorrect” hashtag appears on Twitter almost every minute with new pics to laugh at. Now imagine you sent an article with these mistakes to an Editor in Chief! I don’t think it’ll be published. It won’t look that funny after all.
2. You won’t be misunderstood
Returning to the first point, sometimes autocorrect mistakes may be really amusing and make people laugh. However, in some cases you might be totally misunderstood. I made the decision to quit autocorrect when one day I texted my wife asking her to buy “human spices” instead of “hamon slices”. Again, no professional editor will be happy to get a post with such a thing. Your article will seem low quality or even absurd.
3. You won’t be unprofessional
Getting back to the times of using autocorrect, I should say I was nervous more often. Each time I got a wrong word or had to explain the meaning of my text made me mad. I had to apologize for the ridiculous phrases in my posts. Of course, I did check them before sending, but sometimes I was so tired I couldn’t even notice a mistake.
4. You won’t become illiterate
We all know that editors requires freelance writers to meet high standards of literacy. Autocorrect inserts a necessary word whenever you start typing it. It doesn’t make any spelling mistakes. Great you may think. But what will you do in case you need to type or write the word manually? Or if your phone suddenly breaks down? Are you sure you are good at spelling? Each time you use autocorrect, you lose a chance to improve your linguistic skills.
5. You will train your brain
If you turn off autocorrect and start typing the word letter by letter, one day you’ll notice you don’t need a spell checker app. The more words you search and learn, the better for you. Next time you won’t even think about how to spell this or that word. There are few freelancers who can write and type without errors. Why not becoming one of them?
6. You won’t lose time
Really, sometimes autocorrect can be horrible. It provides you with 10,000 words, but there is no the right one. You will spend more time on finding the necessary word, than on typing it manually. Or, it might offer words from another language. In this case, you have nothing to do but to give up and type it yourself. When you have a strict deadline, it can be a real pane.
7. You won’t have to teach your phone
The same thing here. Autocorrect knows only let’s say right words. If you want to use abbreviations, slang words or those you invented for your post, you’ll have to type these words several times. Only after that your phone will remember them.
8. You won’t have punctuation errors
While using autocorrect, you barely watch at what you type. Thus, you are not too attentive to punctuation either. Sometimes a comma in a wrong place can change the complete idea of sentence. Not even speaking about your blogger reputation. So, you’d better keep your eye on it.
9. You will use modern tech options
Nowadays more and more people prefer voice texting. It’s much more comfortable especially while you are driving or walking. In comparison to autocorrect, voice texting recognizes punctuation marks. Besides, it doesn’t make stupid mistakes, in case you pronounce the words clearly. Admit it, it’s easier and faster to dictate your post than to type it.
10. You will be able to speak two languages
For bloggers who write their articles in several languages or insert foreign words in posts, autocorrect is a real headache. It can’t switch from one language to another automatically. So, you either do it manually when you type, or create something senseless when you use autocorrect.
Hope with theses 10 points I managed to convince you to turn off the autocorrect. Use your intelligence to become a top-notch freelance writer.

Terry Smith is a freelance blogger and web developer. He is interested in modern technology and writes about web services and apps for home use. Follow him on Twitter.