2023 February Flash Fiction Challenge: Day 2

Write a piece of flash fiction each day of February with the February Flash Fiction Challenge, led by Managing Editor Moriah Richard. Each day, receive a prompt, example story, and write your own. Today’s prompt is to write about a lazy weekend morning.

You might notice that my stories this month are shorter than the ones I've posted in the last few years! I'm learning from Ran Walker, an amazing flash fiction author, who spoke on our podcast last year about his novel written in 100-word stories. So, I'm challenging myself to write drabbles (stories of 100 words) and even some dribbles (stories of 50 words)! 

Remember, though, flash fiction can be from just one sentence up to 1,500 words—depending on the publication—so feel free to fit your story wherever feels best within that word count.

For today’s prompt, write about a lazy weekend morning. Maybe it's one that stays lazy or one that gets interrupted by something surprising.

Remember: These prompts are just starting points; you have the freedom to go wherever your flash of inspiration takes you.

(Note: If you happen to run into any issues posting, please just send me an e-mail at mrichard@aimmedia.com with the subject line: Flash Fiction Challenge Commenting Issue. Fingers crossed there are no tech hiccups!)

Here’s my attempt at a story about a lazy weekend morning:

wake up, my love.

i have been up for hours while you are pinned under the thick warmth of our winter comforter with the ceiling fan humming sleepily above you. i walked the dog, even though the air was so crisp it felt like a bite taken out of my lungs whenever i sucked in breath. i brewed the coffee and put a splash of milk in mine, a few heaps of sugar. nothing warms me like the sweet molten feeling of your eyes on me as i scrape together a lazy sunday breakfast of chicken sausage, scrambled eggs. butter melting across a slightly burnt square of toast. a silence hanging between us that was never lonely.

wake up, my love. i’m jealous of even your dreams. 

Since obtaining her MFA in fiction, Moriah Richard has worked with over 100 authors to help them achieve their publication dreams. As the managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine, she spearheads the world-building column Building Better Worlds, a 2023 Eddie & Ozzie Award winner. She also runs the Flash Fiction February Challenge on the WD blog, encouraging writers to pen one microstory a day over the course of the month and share their work with other participants. As a reader, Moriah is most interested in horror, fantasy, and romance, although she will read just about anything with a great hook. 

Learn more about Moriah on her personal website.