A Checklist for Marketing Your Travel Writing
A Checklist for Marketing 1. You can’t write for it if you haven’t read it. Go to the local library or newsstand and seek out the publications2. No one starts…
A Checklist for Marketing
1. You can’t write for it if you haven’t read it. Go to the local library or newsstand and seek out the publications
2. No one starts at the top. Find your own level, work in it, then work up out of it.
3. Start with local newspapers and magazines, small publications, regional travel magazines, and publications with a small editorial staff. Write for your high school or college paper, the alumni magazine, a community newspaper. Use the experience to tackle more complex writing projects for broader publications.
4. Don’t give your work away. If the publication doesn’t offer a fee, ask for a subscription, free advertising, or printing services in exchange for your articles. No matter how small the honorarium or in-kind service, you’ll feel better if you receive something for your work and you’ll be respected for your professionalism.
*This excerpt is from from Travel Writing by L. Peat O'Neil. Worth looking into if you want to become a freelance or professional travel writer.