A Time to Listen: The Art of Good Communication in Journalism
Journalist Alison Hill discusses the art of good communication in journalism, including five ways to improve listening skills as a writer.
“If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear.” -Mark Twain
In journalism there’s a time for everything. A time to ask tough questions, to probe and prod. A time to demand answers and hold leaders accountable. A time to be tough and unwavering while seeking truth. And there’s a time to stay silent and listen. This is when we can access the very soul of a story.
But how many of today’s journalists are good listeners?
The ability to listen is probably our most powerful tool as journalists. Some people are natural listeners, others need more practice. But we can all improve in this area regardless of experience. Interviewing should be more than fishing for the right quotes, it’s an expedition, an opportunity to learn. And listening goes beyond hearing an answer to a question, it involves understanding and comprehension. It also requires our full attention and focus.
We’re always communicating in some form—chatting on the phone, tapping out countless emails or texts, and jumping on video calls. Most exchanges are brief and superficial since we’re all so busy. Yet a huge number of people are desperate to be heard, evidenced by all the online “content” and the thousands of comments on sites like Facebook and YouTube.
When’s the last time you truly listened to someone for an extended period? And conversely, when’s the last time anybody listened to you? Maybe as a society it’s time for us to slow down, take a deep breath, and pay closer attention to each other. When someone asks us, “How are you doing?,” we usually offer a quick, “Fine, thanks; how are you?” Imagine if we told people how we really feel. Half the population would make a quick exit. “Wow, look at the time! Gotta pick up the kids… nice seeing you, bye!”
And how often do we start formulating a response when others are still speaking? While interviewing, are you always thinking of your next question instead of focusing on what’s being said? Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, rightly stated, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
As journalists and nonfiction writers, we’re in a unique position to give people a voice and a chance to share their story. To truly understand their perspective and effectively present their position, we must listen intently when researching and interviewing.
Here are 5 ways to improve listening skills.
1. Respect Everyone and Listen Equally
Since journalism requires constant interaction with the public, we must wear many hats and develop chameleon-like qualities. If you’re a generalist like me, the stories covered in a typical month vary immensely. Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively and respectfully, with people from diverse backgrounds is essential.
As an investigative journalist I could go from having tea at the House of Commons with a Member of Parliament, to sitting on the pavement outside a restaurant smoking a cigarette with a homeless 19-year-old girl. I treated both with dignity and respect.
Every interaction is different, of course, and while it’s important to approach each person according to their unique situation and circumstances, we must always use our active listening skills.
2. Listen to Yourself
I transcribe my own interviews, whether they’re over the phone or in-person. While time consuming, I find it not only helps flush out the best quotes but it’s also a great learning opportunity.
I consider myself an experienced interviewer, but I don’t enjoy phone interviews. After listening to my recordings, I realize that I talk too much, and my nervous laugh is cringe-worthy. It’s a humbling experience but has made me more mindful and aware.
Try recording an interview and play it back. How did you sound?
3. Know When to Stay Silent
I much prefer interviewing in-person, and this is where I excel.
It’s important to have a comfortable space so sources can fully express themselves. Guide the conversation, then sit back and let it flow. Always be respectful and empathetic, and especially gentle with those sharing traumatic events. If the person becomes upset, just pause the interview, and allow them to be. A respectful silence or a few kind words like ‘take your time’ are adequate here rather than offering empty platitudes.
Interrupting someone at the wrong time can be detrimental. The person may have been on the brink of spilling everything, but a question could derail them, and then the moment is lost. If they pause and look at you expectantly, that’s when you can continue with more questions. But take your time before jumping in, keep steady eye contact, and stay silent for a few seconds, as they may be contemplating saying something else.
When I visited a group of Kosovar refugees, I came prepared as I knew it involved hearing about traumatic events. We gathered in the living room, and I sat listening for several hours, barely asking questions. One young man in his late teens, a lit cigarette shaking in his hand, was particularly eager to talk. Who else was listening to him?
4. Forget Yourself
Temporarily set aside your own feelings, opinions, and prejudices before the interview. After all, this is not about you. All your focus should be on the interviewee. Be objective and calm. Empty your mind of personal concerns, such as the drive home, what to make for dinner, and worries about how the interview will go.
Just shake it off and immerse yourself in their story. Give them your undivided attention and the interview is sure to go well. People know if you truly care about what they’re saying or if you’re just trying to get an interview done. They can also sense tension and hostility.
During an interview, unless it’s relevant and will break the ice and create a bond, it’s best to avoid talking about yourself.
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5. Eliminate Distractions
Distractions come in many forms, locations, actions, and thoughts.
Let’s start with our thoughts. Ernest Hemingway offers some simple advice, “When people talk listen completely. Don’t be thinking what you’re going to say.”
During interviews, especially when under pressure, you may worry about awkward silences or that you’ll forget key points. But try to avoid thinking of the next question. People can pick up on this and know you’re not really paying attention. Glancing down at notes while they’re speaking is rude and should be avoided. Wait until there’s a natural pause.
The location should be free of distractions. Ideally, interviews should be conducted in the person’s home or office, especially if they’re a main source for a feature. It’s not only familiar and comfortable for them, but you can also get a better feel for who they are from the furniture and décor. I once conducted an interview at a bar. It was morning but still noisy and I was having difficulty hearing them. In hindsight, since I was interviewing the owners, I should have asked for a quieter spot. Lesson learned.
A journalist’s conduct and body language are also important. Let’s start with facial expressions. Don’t look bored, yawn, or roll your eyes. Keep steady eye contact but avoid staring. You can nod in encouragement but try keeping your body still and don’t fidget. I avoid clickable pens for this very reason.
Make sure you’re both seated and settled before starting the interview. There’s nothing worse than an interviewer rummaging in their bag or fiddling with their coat zipper while saying, “Please keep talking, I’m listening.” As author and psychiatrist M. Scott Peck said, “You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.”
Oh and of course, turn off your cell phone before the interview.
Here’s a fun challenge. Call up a friend or acquaintance and invite them for coffee or lunch. Make sure you’ve got plenty of time and don’t have to rush away. Instead of being a chatty Cathy like me, (it’s hard not to when you work from home), instead order a Grande coffee, or a meal that is labor intensive (to deter talking) and just sit there and listen. I think you’ll be amazed how much people really need to talk to someone and just feel heard.

Alison Hill is a freelance writer, journalist, and Emmy-nominated producer who writes for print and online publications. Since 2001, Alison has been a regular guest commentator on BBC radio news shows discussing US politics and current events. Before going solo, she was a PBS producer and director and also worked as an investigative journalist for a Welsh TV series. From hosting TV shows and creating online content to going undercover with a hidden camera, she’s done it all. Alison grew up in a tiny village in Wales and speaks fluent Welsh. She’s an avid hiker, who also loves camping, kayaking, and reading. She now lives in South Carolina with her husband, 8-year-old daughter, and two rescue cats.