Break into the Business of Copywriting!

Is your goal is to launch a new career for yourself as a copywriter or to improve your copywriting skills? Breaking into Copywriting, a new course from Writers Digest University, can fuel your creative desires.

Whether your goal is to launch a new career for yourself as a copywriter or to improve your writing skills, a new course from Writers Digest University may be what you need. When you enroll in Breaking into Copywriting, you'll not only learn copywriting techniques and terminology, but also gain writing experience.

What is Copywriting?

It's important to know what copywriting is, especially if you are considering becoming a copywriter. Copywriting can be defined as the act of writing that influences a reader or listener to take action, such as the purchase of a product. Therefore, a copywriter is the person who writes copy (also known as creative) for the purpose of advertising or marketing a product, business, person, opinion or idea.

Break into Copywriting: What You'll Learn

Now that you know what copywriting is, you're probably wondering what exactly this four-week online copywriting course is about and what you'll learn. The course is broken down by week. Each week, you'll explore questions such as, Where is Copywriting Used?, What Makes a Good Copywriter?, and Where Does a Copywriter Work?.

In addition to reading weekly lectures, you'll also complete weekly assignments and receive individual feedback from your instructor. By the end of the course you'll know how to:

  • Create an Ad
  • Generate a Creative Brief
  • Write Headlines and Taglines
  • Craft different types of copy
  • Understand when and how to use a Call to Action
  • Use techniques to persuade an audience
  • Find work as a copywriter, either full-time or freelance

Improve Your Copywriting Skills

Are you ready to acquire skills that help you write a better query letter, market yourself online, or improve the dialogue you write for your characters? Enroll in Breaking into Copywriting today and enter the business of copywriting!

Register for this online copywriting course now!