Releasing the Cookbook Author Within You
Cookbooks are a unique genre of nonfiction, oftentimes personal in nature and how-to in practice. Here, cookbook author Deanna Martinez-Bey shares a few basic guidelines for releasing the cookbook author within you.
Have you been giving thought to writing a cookbook? You should do it! One can never have too many cookbooks, and the world needs your recipes.
So far, I have written four of them, and the one I am working on now will be the biggest yet! I started writing The Ultimate Guide To Cheesecakes, and after that became a number one Amazon new release, I decided to continue with The Ultimate Guide books and have created a series.
Does this sound like something you would like to do? If you would like to write one cookbook or 10 cookbooks, I have a few basic guidelines that can help you through the process.
Narrow Down Your Topic
Cookbooks are typically a genre of their own. They are nonfiction books that require specific areas of expertise. You want to hone in on a topic in which you have experience.
Let's say, for example, that you grew up eating Italian food. Your grandparents were from Italy, and your Nonna taught you how to cook all of the recipes passed down to her from her family in Italy. It's a no-brainer that you should consider writing a book about Italian food.
You can create a topic even more narrow. How about Easy Italian Dinners or Decadent Italian Desserts? I have learned that the more you zone in on your topic, the more successful your cookbook can be.
Create an Outline
Before creating an outline for my book, I take a quick trip to the store and purchase a special notebook and pink pen (I write all my outlines in pink ink). I do this for every book I write. Although this is not a requirement and isn't truly necessary, it is something I look forward to, and it's a treat for us, the authors.
If buying a fancy notebook and pen does not float your boat, Wordy Writer offers a wide range of downloadable organizers that are super helpful. Just visit
You may be wondering what you should include in your outline. Here is a short list of ideas:
- Chapter Titles
- Recipes to include in each chapter
- Written recipes
- Any stories, tips, or quotes you would like to add
- About You page information
- Contact information (website and social media channels)
- Book blurb
Tip: If you haven't done so already, be sure to test each recipe you will be sharing in your book.
Edit As You Go
Editing as you go may sound foreign to you, but it is a trick that works for me. Before each writing session, I go back to the previous one, read it over, and make any corrections I see need to be made. Doing this will give you much less editing to do when you finish writing your book.
Decide If You Will Add Photos
Adding photos is always a good idea when writing a cookbook. However, adding them will increase the book's printing cost, so choose them wisely. Decide which recipes need a photo, and be sure to take clear, mouthwatering pictures.
Creating Your Cover
If you are creative and computer savvy, this may be something you can do by yourself. If cover creation isn't your cup of tea, I highly recommend hiring a cover designer. Regardless of the old saying, people do judge books by their covers.
Tip: Your cover designer will need to know the size of your book, the number of pages, and the formats you will be using.
Professional Editing
There are several different types of editors that you can hire. Before sending your book to an editor, I highly recommend running it through an editing program that can detect spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Grammarly is ideal for this task. They offer a free or paid version; however, the paid version detects more errors.
Types Of Editors and What They Do
Developmental Editors: Look over structure, plot, character development, dialogue, voice, and style.
Line Editors: Go through a manuscript line-by-line with a fine-toothed comb.
Copy Editors: Check spelling, grammar, punctuation, and flow.
Choosing Your Format
You can choose one or all of these three formatting options: e-books, paperback, and hardcover. I suggest offering them all!

Deanna Martinez-Bey is an author, social media manager, copy editor, and freelance writer. With 18 published books under her belt and articles published in multiple magazines and online, Deanna surrounds herself with books and writing on many levels. She believes that people bond over good food and books! Follow her on Amazon: Amazon Author Page