2023 April PAD Challenge: Day 2
Write a poem every day of April with the 2023 April Poem-A-Day Challenge. For today’s prompt, write a B-movie poem.
Time for day two of this challenge! Yesterday was great, but now it's today.
For today's prompt, write a B-movie poem. Our family has a tradition of watching a B-movie every Saturday night. Some of them are kind of funny, some of them are so bad they're good, and some of them are just torture (until I inevitably fall asleep from boredom). And some of them have excellent titles like The Tingler, Kingdom of the Spiders, Teenagers From Outer Space, and The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies.
For the purposes of this prompt, you could write a poem inspired by an actual B-movie, or you could imagine your own.
Remember: These prompts are springboards to creativity. Use them to expand your possibilities, not limit them.
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Later this month, be sure to check out the 2nd annual Writer's Digest Poetry Writing Virtual Conference with four great presentations put on by award-winning poets covering a variety of topics, including how to put together poetry collections and bring fresh insight to familiar ideas.
Here’s my attempt at a B-movie Poem:
"the atomic teenage zombie brains from outer space"
two teenagers make out at the make-out spot when
an officer of the law arrives and breaks things up
and apparently has something against the guy
when a fireball shoots across the sky and they all
leave to investigate where it appears to have landed
as a scientist toils away in his lab experimenting
on various mineral compositions while trying to make
a major breakthrough in solar atomic chaos theory
when a coffin from transylvania is mistakenly delivered
by a furry man wearing a cape under a full moon
and the fireball turns out to be a space ship that
transforms into a robot that is actually a humanoid
from another dimension outside of the understood
boundaries of time and space and musical taste
but the cop and kids mistake him for a guy named marty
and the scientist discovers the true meaning of
thanksgiving as a member of the undead rises from
the coffin placed in just the right angle behind him
to enable an incredibly compelling shot of count
dracula with his fangs and long fingernails and stuffing
as marty immediately sets to work figuring out how
to dominate this planet named earth but finds
he's a fan of 90s grunge music and daft punk
so he switches gears and tells the others of his kind
that no earth is kind of a bummer of a place to invade
and the scientist finds himself intrigued by the count's
story of eternal life and unending undeadness and
decides the best thing they can do is create zombies
with the power of love and the atom bomb and soon
the world is crawling with atomic teenage zombie brains
as marty falls for the daughter of the cop who actually
collected transformers as a child and it's in this moment
that he realizes the only way to save the earth from zombies
is to collect them all in his space ship that is actually himself
and take them back to his dimension as he listens to
the weeknd sing i feel it coming with daft punk

Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Editor of Writer's Digest, which includes managing the content on WritersDigest.com and programming virtual conferences. He's the author of 40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions, The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms: 100+ Poetic Form Definitions and Examples for Poets, Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming, and more. Also, he's the editor of Writer's Market, Poet's Market, and Guide to Literary Agents. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.