Boketto: Poetic Forms
Poetic Form Fridays are made to share various poetic forms. This week, Walter J. Wojtanik shares his relatively new form, the boketto.
A few years back, I came across a concept called boketto. Boketto is a Japanese word that really doesn’t translate into English very well. But, the idea of boketto is akin to staring at the sky or into the distance without a thought… getting lost in one’s own self; removing the self from a place mentally. There is no regard to the past and no connection to the future. There is only THIS moment.
From this thought I’ve experimented with incorporating boketto into a poetic form and thus the boketto came to be. The boketto can be a very personal poem, or can be one of a random observation.
The boketto consists of two stanzas, one of five lines (30 syllables – 7, 7, 7, 4, 5) and a three-line stanza (17 syllables – two seven syllable lines and a three-syllable line which becomes a refrain if a string of boketto are written). Rhyme is not required and is up to the poet’s discretion. A title is also optional. The subject is strictly arbitrary: It expresses a single moment in time!
The variation of the boketto makes use of two familiar Japanese forms, the tanka and the haiku (or senryu). The moment of which you write will determine the choice (haiku – nature; senryu – everything else).
Play with poetic forms!
Poetic forms are fun poetic games, and this digital guide collects more than 100 poetic forms, including more established poetic forms (like sestinas and sonnets) and newer invented forms (like golden shovels and fibs).
Here are original examples of boketto:
WHITE NOISE, by Walter J. Wojtanik
The air is filled with static,
a bombardment of senses
meant to irritate; annoy.
There is no joy,
this moment must cease.
I must escape in my mind,
hoping to find inner peace.
No relief.
© Walter J Wojtanik
…and the variation…
SOLACE IN SELF, by Walter J. Wojtanik
I am imprisoned,
lost in this moment in time.
I am writing rhyme
hoping to vacate this shell
and become one with my words.
not a sound is heard
silence becomes an ally
setting the soul free
© Walter J Wojtanik
Poetic Asides alum and contributor, Janet Rice Carnahan has embraced the Boketto form to much success. She has used it almost exclusively since its development, combining these poems with her photographs to stunning effect.
Here are two of her poetic submissions (offered with Janet’s permission):
capturing clouds on water
unites, harmonizes both
holding stillness, a moment
we are present
our breath takes it in
sweet nature puts us at ease
soft mirroring what matters
© Janet Rice Carnahan 2021
taking in the soft beauty
comes with a chill all its own
we marvel at warmth inside
so contented
clear and clean appeals
a simple stroll enhances
purified air awakens
© Janet Rice Carnahan 2021

I’ve always believed that our passions define us. The things that move our souls and puts us in sync with the universe lives within each of us. Music started as the ultimate expression of my heart. But my lyrics gave my songs a voice; this melodic poetry of my life. I have been driven by the rhymes and rhythms that are the underlying score of my existence. The stirrings of my soul had been long hidden. My poetry is my observations as seen through the eyes of a poet’s heart. (Personal Blog:
In developing the style and temperament of my poetry, I am not so stodgy to think I’m out here on my own. I have collaborated with many other creative and talented people who inspire me and support my efforts. It is easy to believe in myself when these individuals show me the way.
A Creative Writing elective as a high school senior opened my eyes to the process and nuance of poetic thought. I had graduated and let all that knowledge languish unused for thirty-five years. But words unread are not dead. They only sleep. I woke them up in April of 2009 when I found an enticement to attempt the Poetic Asides Poem-A-Day Poetry Challenge. In the course of 30 days, I had met some incredibly talented and encouraging new friends and churned poems out to the pace of 10-12 poems a day.
Thanks to the leadership of Robert Lee Brewer, I worked the following year to be selected as Writer’s Poetic Asides Poet Laureate of that same April Poem-A-Day poetry challenge in 2010. I am thankful for all who have even just glimpsed at my work. You all make it worthwhile. I still write my poetry, but not as frantically as I did. And I still help moderate the Poetic Bloomings blog ( with Marie Elena Good (one of the aforementioned creative and talented people).
I have five collections of my poetry in print, with several more self-published chapbooks to my credit. The highest praise that I’ve ever received concerning my poetry so far is being called an “awesome” poet by Robert Lee Brewer, I try to live up to that standard with each poem written.