Jeff Somers and the Rough Beast, Episode 2: Plantsing!

This video series follows author Jeff Somers (Writing Without Rules, coming from WD Books in May 2018) as he discusses how to write a novel while at work on one of his own.

This video series follows author Jeff Somers (Writing Without Rules) as he begins and works on a new science fiction novel, tentatively titled Rough Beast. Demonstrating the tips that appear in his upcoming WD book, Jeff checks in at regular intervals to discuss how to write a novel, as well as the progress he’s made (or the lack thereof), the problems he encounters, and the decisions he makes as he goes from Chapter One to an 80,000+ word novel over the course of several months. Along the way, he is frequently assaulted by cats, suffers frequent existential crises, and discusses the art and craft of fiction in detail.

Episode 2: Plantsing!

Author Jeff Somers checks in on his progress in writing his new sci-fi novel

Rough Beast

, and takes the opportunity to talk about




a novel. Although a natural Pantser, Jeff talks about being flexible, and the value of taking a


approach that combines the best of both techniques. Publicity professionals may wonder why he bothered to have a book cover in the background if he was going to park his enormous head in front of it.

Writing Without Rules

Whether you’re a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in-between, Writing Without Rules is for those writers who are looking for a fresh take on tackling the challenge of writing and selling a novel, and building a career. As Somers will show you, it’s less about being perfect in everything, and more about having the confidence to complete everything. Get a copy here.

Jeff Somers began writing by court order as an attempt to steer his creative impulses away from engineering genetic grotesqueries. He has published nine novels, including the Avery Cates Series of noir-science fiction novels and the Ustari Cycle series of urban fantasy novels. His short story “Ringing the Changes” was selected for inclusion in Best American Mystery Stories2006; “Sift, Almost Invisible, Through” appeared in the anthology Crimes by Moonlight, edited by Charlaine Harris; and “Three Cups of Tea” appeared in the anthology Hanzai Japan. He also writes about books for Barnes & Noble, and the craft of writing for Writer’s Digest which published his book Writing Without Rules in 2018. He lives in Hoboken with his wife, The Duchess, and their cats. He considers pants to always be optional. Follow him on Twitter @jeffreysomers.