23rd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
Writer’s Digest would like to congratulate the 46 winners of the 23rd Annual Self-Published Book Awards. For full coverage of the awards, check out the March/April 2016 issue of Writer’s Digest….
Writer’s Digest would like to congratulate the 46 winners of the 23rd Annual Self-Published Book Awards. For full coverage of the awards, check out the March/April 2016 issue of Writer’s Digest. Click here for an extended Q&A with the grand-prize winner Louise Esola.
Grand Prize
American Boys: The True Story of the Lost 74 of the Vietnam War by Louise Esola ($19.99). Pennway Books. Web: louiseesola.com
Children’s Picture Books
First Place
The Incredible Chapore by Monsieur Odyssey and Jo de Ruiter (illustrator) ($13.69). KAPOW! Publishing
Honorable Mentions
Genevieve and the Moon by Karlene Kay Ryan and Meredith Johnson (illustrator) ($17.99). Web: karlenekayryan.com
The SuperBrother Squad vs. The Aquatic Carrots of Doom by Jenay Sherman and Karolina Skorupska (illustrator) ($12.95). CreateSpace. superbrothersquad.com
Genre Fiction
First Place
Imogene in New Orleansby Hunter Murphy ($15). Rolltop Publishing. Web: huntermurphywriter.com
Honorable Mentions
A Place Between Breaths by Jennifer Froelich ($12.99). CreateSpace. Web: jenniferfroelich.com
Archie and Emma: A Novel Based on Actual People and Events by Brian Mercer ($20.95). Outskirts Press. Web: outskirtspress.com/archieandemma
Blown by Chuck Barrett ($16.95). Switchback Press. Web: chuckbarrettbooks.com
What Doesn’t Kill Youby Donna Huston Murray ($2.99). Web: donnahustonmurray.com
Gwendolyn’s Sword by E. A. Haltom ($16.95). Web: smittenbythewords.blogspot.com
Guarding Angel by S.L. Saboviec ($19.99). Book Design Templates. Web: saboviec.com
Psycho-Tropics by Dorian Box ($15.99). Friction Press. Web: dorianbox.com
Snow Men by Andrew Ceroni ($34.95). Outskirts Press. Web: outskirtspress.com/snowmen
(Un)Sound Mind by Richard Amico ($9.99). 57th Street Press.
First Place
A Beautiful Death by Cheryl Eckl ($14.95). Flying Crane Press. Web: abeautifuldeath.net
Honorable Mentions
Hallelujah: The Story of the Coming Forth of Handel’s Messiah by J. Scott Featherstone ($28). messiah-guide.com/books/featherstone.html
The Hero in Heroin: A Mother and Son’s Journey on Both Sides of the Veil by Mindy Miralia ($18.99). Balboa Press. Web: mindymiralia.com
Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to be Happy and Successful in Life by Tom Corley ($16.95). Two Harbors Press. Web: richhabits.net/rich-habits-books
Trusting the Currents by Lynnda Pollio ($16.95). SageHeart Media. Web: sageheart@lynndapollio.com
Life Stories
First Place
Walking to Woot by Jackie Chase ($39.95). Adventure Travel Press. Web: adventuretravelpress.com
Honorable Mentions
I Didn’t Tell Them Anything: The Wartime Secrets of an American Girlby Aleena Rieger ($19.95). Sunpetal Books.
Managing Bubbie by Russel Lazega ($12.95). CreateSpace. Web: facebook.com/Managing-Bubbie
The Bootleg Buggy: Stories of My Polish Family by Tina Lonski ($12.95). Lonski Publishing. storiesofbarns.com/index.html
The Pedestriennes: America’s Forgotten Superstars by Harry Hall ($20). Dogear Publishing. Web: pedestriennes.com
Mainstream Fiction
First Place
Circle of Three by Liesl D. Wilke ($10.99). Spark Arts & Letters. Web: lieslwilke.com/novels.php
Honorable Mentions
A Dance With Hummingbirds by Helen Deines ($16). Berkeley Square Press. Web: helendeines.com
Always Magnolia by Dianna Dann ($15). Wayward Cat Publishing. Web: waywardcatpublishing.com
As the Poppies Bloomed by Maral Boyadjian ($15.95). Salor Press.
Biddy Debeau Rides for His Life by Dan G. Hilton ($14.99). Free Four Five Publishing. Web: dghilton.net
Blue Sun, Yellow Sky by Jamie Jo Hoang ($12.99). Hey Jamie. Web: heyjamie.com
Every by Eric Scott ($2.99). Eric Scott. Web: iamericscott.com/every
Wings of Grace by Weldon B. Durham ($2.99). Friesen Press. Web: weldonbdurham.com
With Arms Unboundby Malcolm Ivey ($13.99). CreateSpace. Web: malcolmivey.com
Middle Grade/Young Adult
First Place
Jim Morgan and the Door at the Edge of the World by James Matlack Raney ($12.99). Web: jamesmraney.com
Honorable Mentions
Becoming the Balance Bringer by Debra Kristi ($16.99). Ghost Girl Publishing. Web: debrakristi.com
Between the Lines by Claudia Whitsitt ($12). Twisted Vines Press. Web: claudiawhitsitt.com
Ice Massacreby Tiana Warner ($14.95). Rogue Cannon Publishing. Web: tianawarner.com
First Place
Running With the Hounds by David Wingfield and Charles Gillies ($15). David Wingfield and Charles Gillies. Web: runningwiththehounds.org
Honorable Mentions
Faces: Imprisoned Women and Their Struggle With the Criminal Justice System by Betty May ($9.99). CreateSpace. Web: bettymayauthor.com
The Second Mourning: The Untold Story of America’s Most Bizarre Political Murder by Stephen G. Yanoff ($22.95). AuthorHouse. Web: stephengyanoff.com/tag/the-second-mourning
First Place
Fading Into Focus by Joan Kantor ($12). CreateSpace. Web: joankantorpoetry.com
Honorable Mentions
A Certain Age by Cynthia Jobin ($20). Art Bookbindery. Web: littleoldladywho.net
Africa is the Mother Who Lies in the Grass by Donna O’Connell Gilmore and Olaf Kruger (illustrator) ($14). Sandheap Press.
First Place
A Fly Fishing Guide to Colorado’s Indian Peaks Wilderness Area by Steven B. Schweitzer and Michael Kruise with Benjamin Swigle (contributor) ($26.95). Pixachrome Publishing. Web: pixachrome.com
Honorable Mention
How to Feed Yourself: Recipes for Real Life From a Young & Hungry Foodie by Becky Duffett and Matt Schriock (photos) ($30). Yellow Dog Books. Web: beckyduffett.com/cookbook.html
Chelsea Henshey is an Associate Editor for Writer's Digest Books.