WD Competitions

Poetry Awards

LEARN MORE! Writer’s Digest’s only competition exclusively for poetry, the Annual Poetry Awards, is not currently accepting entries. Winners are awarded cash and prizes.

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Nearly 2,300 poems were submitted in the seventh annual Writer’s Digest Poetry Awards, and Linda Neal Rising’s “An Educated Woman Explains Why She Likes Bluegrass” claimed the No. 1 spot. Her prize: $500, a copy of the 2012 Poet’s Market and a trip to the WD Conference in New York City. Read her winning entry here.

How to Write Poetry, Writing Poetry

Lee Tupman’s “The Forest of Lost Husbands” took first place in WD’s 3rd Annual Poetry Awards competition, taking home $500 in prize money. The online contest, which pulled in nearly 3,800 entries, was open to poems of any style that were original, unpublished and 32 lines or fewer. by Brian A. Klems


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