Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg


Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg is an award-winning and bestselling author and essayist. Her novel The Nine (SWP 2019) was honored with the 2019 Foreword Indies Gold Award in Thriller & Suspense and the Gold Medal and Juror’s Choice in the 2019 National Indie Excellence Awards, among others. Eden (SWP 2017), her debut, won the Benjamin Franklin Silver Award for Best New Voice in Fiction and was a finalist for the Sarton Women’s Book Award for Historical Fiction. A Smith College graduate, Jeanne is both a teacher of writing and a lifetime learner who serves on the boards of the Boston Book Festival and GrubStreet. She reviews contemporary fiction for the New York Journal of Books and was named a Southampton Writer’s Conference BookEnds Fellow in April 2021. She splits her time between Park City, Utah, and a regenerative farm in Verona, Wisconsin. (Photo credit: Hunter Levitan)


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