Joshua Sinel


Joshua Sinel understands the impact and healing power of telling your story. He is an award-winning short story writer, novelist, and long-time digital entrepreneur who believes that storytelling has the power to transform lives, not just for the audience, but also and perhaps primarily, for the storyteller. He co-founded Storybooth to bring this belief to life, to empower GenZ with a platform that would meet them where they are, equip them with the tools to be and become storytellers, and to share their stories with the world to heal themselves, and their community of peers. Bringing his experience on the digital frontlines with young people over the last 25 years, together with his training as a writer and storyteller, Storybooth has grown to become one of the world’s most powerful outlets for teens, and a truly unique way to understand, from the outside, what today’s kids are truly up against, and how they are coping with it. Prior to co-founding Storybooth, Josh and Marcy co-founded, launched, and managed three other companies, through which they have worked at the intersection of young people and digital media for brands including AOL, CTW, iVillage, Microsoft’s xBox, MTV, Nickelodeon, Simon & Schuster, and Time Warner.


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