Lancelot Schaubert

As a Brooklyn-based author and producer, Lancelot Schaubert continues to cross the borders that hem in the land of tales. He started out selling poetry to small zines like SP Quill and Doxa. Then he moved on to nonfiction in Harry Potter for Nerds, The World Series Edition of Poker Pro, Occupy, Poet’s Market 2016, and McSweeney’s. Later he sold quarterly fiction to Encounter as well as to Brink, Hatch, Scars, and others. In recent years, his stories crossed into transmedia as he reinvented the photonovel via Cold Brewed and The Joplin Undercurrent, acted in short films, and recorded an album coinciding with his short stories. His first novel, Faceless, is making the rounds with agents. Oh, and his hobbit hair grows longer by the day. So there’s that. He’s also a contributor to the excellent guidebook for writers, Author in Progress. Learn more about him on his website:
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