Marika Lindholm

About Marika Lindholm
MARIKA LINDHOLM, Ph.D., is the founder of ESME (Empowering Solo Moms Everywhere), a website that aims to redefine single motherhood by providing resources, inspiration, and a point of connection for the underserved community of Solo Moms. A trained sociologist, Lindholm taught courses on inequality, diversity, and gender at Northwestern University for over a decade. In addition to publishing numerous scholarly articles, she has been a regular contributor to Psychology Today, Working Mother, Mind Body Green, and Talk Space. She has published essays and fiction in the Daily News, Elephant Journal, The Hill, Ms., Silent Voices, and the Southern Indiana Review, and is also the co-editor of We Got This: Solo Mom Stories of Grit, Heart and Humor, the first anthology for solo moms by solo moms. Lindholm is now remarried and living in New York’s Hudson Valley. In addition to overseeing ESME, she runs an organic farm with grapes, apples, chickens, and 350,000 bees and is the mother of a blended family of 5 children, including 2 daughters that she and her husband adopted internationally.
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