Pravat Kumar Padhy


Pravat Kumar Padhy holds a Master of Science and a Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, ISM Dhanbad. He is a mainstream poet and a writer of Japanese short forms of poetry (haiku, tanka, haiga, haibun, tanka prose). His poem “How Beautiful” is included in the undergraduate curriculum at the university level. Pravat’s haiku own The Kloštar Ivanić International Haiku Award, Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Invitational Award, IAFOR Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award, Setouchi Matsuyama Photo Haiku Award and others. His haiku are featured at Mann Library, Cornell University, Red Moon Anthology and tanka is figured in Kudo Resource Guide, University of California, Berkeley. His Taiga (Tanka-Photo) is displayed in the 20th Anniversary Taiga Showcase of American Tanka Society and recently at Haiku North America Conference. Pravat is nominated as the panel judge of The Haiku Foundation Touchstone Awards, USA and he is presently on the editorial board of the journal, Under the Basho.


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