Rick Walton

Rick Walton is the author of more than 90 works for kids. His works include picture books, riddle books, activity books, poetry, mini-mysteries, and more. He publishes with HarperCollins, Putnam, Candlewick, Macmillan, Bloomsbury, Peachtree, Gibbs Smith, American Girl and several other presses in the U.S. and abroad. He lives in Utah, in the Rocky Mountains, with his wife, his kids, and an assortment of dogs, cats, raccoons, deer, and unidentifiable creatures who creep into his yard and his mind at night. (See Rickcreation.com.) Two of Rick’s most recent books is the creepy-funny FRANKENSTEIN: A MONSTROUS PARODY and the humorous civics lesson in disguise, I NEED MY OWN COUNTRY.
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