Victoria Helen Stone


Victoria Helen Stone is the author of the runaway hit Jane Doe, which was optioned by Sony for television, and The Last One Home. In addition to her critically acclaimed novels of dark intrigue and emotional suspense—At the Quiet Edge, Problem Child, Half Past, False Step and the chart-topping Evelyn, After—she has also published 29 books as USA Today bestselling author Victoria Dahl and won the prestigious American Library Association Reading List award for best genre fiction. Her novels have been published in 18 different languages. Victoria writes in her home office high in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, far from her origins in the flattest plains of Minnesota, Texas, and Oklahoma. She enjoys gorgeous summer trail hikes in the mountains almost as much as she enjoys staying inside by the fire during winter. Victoria is passionate about dessert, true crime, and her terror of mosquitoes, which have targeted her in a diabolical conspiracy to hunt her down no matter the season.


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