Break the Rules of Writing & Get Inspired!
The newest issue of Writer’s Digest spotlights the art of breaking the rules. You’ll learn ways to break out of your comfort zone, tools to help you create conflict within your story, and advice for getting the most out of writing conferences.
The newest issue of Writer's Digest spotlights the art of breaking the rules. You'll learn ways to break out of your comfort zone, tools to help you create conflict within your story, and advice for getting the most out of writing conferences. Here's what's inside this issue:
Author Interviews
In the July/August 2012 issue, you'll read an interview with our cover author, Adriana Trigiani, on her new novel, The Shoemaker's Wife. She talks about the challenges of making this novel historically accurate, how long it took her to write this story, her writing routine, and how she interacts with her readers.
Read another featured author interview with bestselling author Andre Dubus III here.
Plot Structure & Conflict:
- How to wow your readers with a plot twist
- James Scott Bell's five tools for building conflict
- How to create conflict in a romance novel
Marketing & Promotion:
- How to market and promote your writing without a huge budget
- Tips for selling the movie and TV rights to your work
Freelance Writing:
- Freelance writing strategies for pitching ideas to editors
More Writing Tips:
- Defining denouement
- The keys to finishing a book
Writer's Digest Competition Winners Announced!
Read the winning entry from last year's WD’s Annual Short Short Competition and see the list of the top 10 winners.
We also announce the winners of the seventh annual WD’s Annual Poetry Awards. We had almost 2,300 poems submitted, but you can read the winning entry here.
Looking for more articles on writing? Check out our in-depth articles on how to write a novel, publish a book, and write a query letter. Plus, don't forget to check out the online exclusives from this issue.