Get Started Writing A Science Fiction or Fantasy Novel!

Grab the Write Science Fiction & Fantasy premium collection and discover everything you need to successfully write science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal stories.

Ever wondered how to write science fiction? Grab the Write Science Fiction & Fantasy premium collection and discover everything you need to successfully write science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal stories. When you buy this month's premium collection, you'll learn relevant techniques and strategies for writing your story, including tips for building imaginary worlds and creating realistic characters. Plus you'll learn how to sell your novel to agents and gain insight into today's marketplace. No matter what type of fiction story you want to write--fantasy, sci-fi, or paranormal--you'll find the essentials for writing them all in this month's premium collection.

Your Guide to Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy

No matter where you are in the writing process--just starting a novel or almost finished writing one--you'll find something you can use within the Write Science Fiction & Fantasy premium collection.

For writers who are just beginning writing science fiction or fantasy novels, we have:

For writers who have already begun writing their fantasy or science fiction stories, we have:

For writers who have completed a science fiction, fantasy, or paranormal novel, and are interested in learning how to sell their work or find an agent, we have:

  • The 2012 Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer's Market, an exclusive eBook filled with listings for literary agents and book publishers interested in science fiction and fantasy fiction. Get a head start and research potential agents today!
  • An online webinar with literary agent Kristin Nelson titled How to Write and Sell Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels. You'll get key insight into the publishing industry. Find out what agents look for in a science fiction or fantasy novel, and the dos and don'ts of writing a query letter. You'll also learn how to pitch your story and what it takes to get published.

Don't delay--buy your copy of the Write Science Fiction & Fantasy premium collection and start writing your next science fiction, fantasy, or paranormal novel today!

Buy the Write Science Fiction & Fantasy premium collection now.

*This month's collection has sold out! However, we recommend the Write Your Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Paranormal Novel collection.

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