Five for Friday: Just getting it down on the page

“Don’t get it right, just get it written.”–James Thurber * “Whether or not you write well, write bravely.” –Bill Stout * “Don’t think of literary form. Let it get out…

get it right, just get it written.”–James Thurber


or not you write well, write bravely.” –Bill Stout


think of literary form. Let it get out as it wants to. Overtell it in the
matter of detail—cutting comes later. The form will develop in the telling.
Don’t make the telling follow the form.” –John Steinbeck


don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must
know it has got to get down to work.” –Pearl S. Buck


is by sitting down to write every morning that one becomes a writer."
-Gerald Brenan

Jane Friedman is a full-time entrepreneur (since 2014) and has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. She is the co-founder of The Hot Sheet, the essential publishing industry newsletter for authors, and is the former publisher of Writer’s Digest. In addition to being a columnist with Publishers Weekly and a professor with The Great Courses, Jane maintains an award-winning blog for writers at Jane’s newest book is The Business of Being a Writer (University of Chicago Press, 2018).