Writing Competitions Frequently Asked Questions
WD’s writing competitions recognize writing excellence on a global scale. See below for frequently asked questions. For all Writer’s Digest Competition questions and queries, please email: Nicole Howard at writersdigestwritingcompetition@aimmedia.com or at writersdigestselfpublishingcompetition@aimmedia.com Contents…
WD's writing competitions recognize writing excellence on a global scale. See below for frequently asked questions.
For all Writer's Digest Competition questions and queries, please email: Nicole Howard at writersdigestwritingcompetition@aimmedia.com or at writersdigestselfpublishingcompetition@aimmedia.com
For all Writer's Digest Competition related questions and queries, please email: writersdigestwritingcompetition@aimmedia.com
Having troubles logging in to your Submittable account? For help, go to: https://submittable.help/en/articles/923459-how-do-i-sign-in-to-my-submittable-account
Are there any restrictions regarding content, language, subject matter etc.? No, we do not have any restrictions or preferences.
Do you allow simultaneous submissions? Yes, simultaneous submissions are certainly allowed. Simply inform us of acceptance elsewhere, if applicable.
May I submit multiple submissions? Yes, multiple submissions are allowed. Simply complete a new submission form for each submission.
Is it okay to have illustration or pictures? Please submit text only (unless the entry is being submitted into the Self-Published Book Awards or Self-Published E-book Awards).
How do I determine my word count? Count all words (except the title) making up your story (no matter the number of letters in the word). Do not include the entry title in your count.
What are your formatting requirements – any other tips? To best present your work, we suggest that you select a font that is easy to read; 12-point type size is preferred but not mandatory. We have no requirements as to the number of words per page. It is preferred that an entry be formatted to or printed on 8.5 x 11 white paper, single sided, 1 inch margins. We prefer any standard-formatting styles (although non-conforming entries will not be disqualified).
Are pen names allowed? Yes, you may enter under a pen name. Include your pen name on all forms as you would wish for them to appear in any credits. Please be advised (and advise us of it if you are notified as a winner) that we only need your legal name if you are chosen as a winner (in order to issue prizes).
What if I wanted to submit only part of my story into the competition (in order to stay within the maximum number of words for example)? If you submit a portion of a larger work, please understand that what you submit will be judged as a complete story, not part of a larger work. Your submission needs to read as a complete story in and of itself.
What if I would like to edit or exchange an entry that I have already submitted? Edits must be done prior to entering. Once an entry has been submitted, we do not accept edits, replacements or exchanges. If you wish to re-enter an edited piece, it is most acceptable and is considered a new entry. You may wish to slightly alter the entry title or the file name in these cases, so that you are able to identify the versions-should you be selected as a winner.
Is there an age limit for entrants? All contest entrants must be aged 18 years or older or over the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside. Please refer to the terms upon submission.
How do I submit my entry fees? All entry fees are due in U.S. Dollars. Entry fees are to be paid online by credit card/debit card (MC, V, AMEX & DISC) or PayPal.
Once the competition is over, will you return my entry? Entries are not returned; please keep a copy for your records.
Having troubles logging in? For help, go to: https://submittable.help/en/articles/923459-how-do-i-sign-in-to-my-submittable-account
Are there any restrictions as to the number of submissions, restrictions regarding content, language, subject matter etc.? No, we do not have any restrictions or preferences. One entry [book] per submission.
We do not have any word count requirements for either version of the WD Self-Published Book/E-book Awards. Novellas, Epic Novels and everything in between are all welcomed!
Are pen names allowed? You may enter under a pen name. Write your pen name on all forms so there are no mistakes on credits. Please be advised that we only need your real name if you are chosen as a winner (in order to issue prizes).
What if I would like to edit the entry that I have already submitted? Edits must be done prior to entering. Once an entry has been submitted, we do not accept edits, replacements, or exchanges. If you wish to re-enter an edited piece, it is most acceptable and is considered to be a new entry. You may wish to slightly alter the entry title or the file name in these cases, so that you are able to identify the versions-should you be selected as a winner.
Do you allow simultaneous submissions? Yes, simultaneous submissions are certainly allowed. Simply inform us of acceptance elsewhere, if applicable.
What category does my entry fall into? We cannot advise as to category placement. Select the category that best represents your book. If the judge feels that another category is more appropriate, we will switch the category for you, on your behalf. Please visit the Preparing Your Entry page on the website for category descriptions.
May I enter a series of books? Yes! Each book in a series must be entered separately. We cannot guarantee, but will do our best, to assign the books in the series to the same judge. Printed and bound books: mail in the same package, secure together along with a visible note on top pf the books (not inside the book) letting us know they are part of a multiple submission series. eBook entrants: please send a quick note to writersdigestselfpublishingcompetition@aimmedia.com letting us know (include the titles in the series) immediately after you enter.
Do you accept poetry, collections, or anthologies? We do not have any rules prohibiting them from being submitted either. A submission would be expected to read as the category description it was submitted into states. Anyone choosing to enter poetry, a collection or an anthology should keep in mind that the commentary process is designed for the chosen category, and that the review process itself is designed around a single story within the chosen category.
Can the same title be entered in multiple categories if the competition offers a choice? Yes, we have no restrictions as to how many times you can enter a piece within a competition.
Is there an age limit for entrants? All contest entrants must be aged 18 years or older or over the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside.
How do I submit my entry fees? All entry fees are due in U.S. Dollars. Entry fees can be paid online by credit card/debit card (MC, V, AMEX & DISC) or PayPal.
Can I have my book shipped on my behalf? After submitting an entry/payment online, it is acceptable to have books mailed direct from the publisher in order to speed things up. There is no need to send (or email) the online submission forms or payment receipts (as long as all paperwork and fees have been submitted online ahead of the book being mailed).
What if I am not a U.S. resident? WD writing competitions are open to U.S. and non-U.S. residents; however, due to U.S. Government restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Sudan..
What if my book doesn’t deliver within 5 business days of the current posted entry deadline? We ask that books be postmarked within 5 business days of the posted entry deadline at the time of submission and should arrive within 5 days of the postmark date. As long as your book arrives by the posted deadline at the time of submission, there will not be an issue. We ask that books ship immediately after submissions to ensure that you remember to mail the book (as refunds are not provided if you forget), this also allows for the judging team plenty of time for processing and evaluation. (Early-bird submissions for example, should deliver to us preferably within 5 days of submission, but no later than the early-bird deadline. Regular deadline submissions should deliver within 5 days of the final deadline.)
When will winners be notified? Please refer to the Judging & Notification page for details. Entrants not selected as winners will not be notified at this time; non-winners will be emailed a competition status update in the weeks following the winner notification date. If you enter multiple times, please excuse duplicate emails as you may receive an email for each separate entry.
How will I know if you received my book? Because we cannot track deliveries, as stated in our guidelines, you will need to track the delivery on your end if you wish to receive shipment confirmation.
What is an e-book? An e-book is a book-length publication in digital form. It is readable on computers and other electronic devices. An e-book may also be available as a printed/bound book. However ONLY the e-book form is accepted in this particular competition.
What does “e-book format” mean? This is the format that your e-book has been published in, because word-processing files don’t work on e-reading devices. Publishers typically submit e-book versions of a title that they publish to major e-book channels like Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, etc. Check with your publisher if you have questions regarding e-book publication.
What e-book formats are accepted (if not able to gift a copy of the book)? Acceptable file types include: .epub, .mobi, .azw (Kindle)
How do I know what file type my e-book is? The file name will include the extension at the end of the file name; for example- “mybooktitle.epub” would be an .epub file & “mybooktitle.mobi” would be a .mobi file. You can right-click on the file and select “Properties” or “Get Info.” This will allow you to view the file type. Additional information can be found by asking your publisher or researching “e-book file extension types” online.
Should the cover be part of the e-book? Yes, please include your cover as a part of your submission. Please make sure the cover and text are in the same file.
How do I gift a copy of my e-book? Amazon allows you to gift a copy of your e-book, which will allow us to get it to judges more easily. This option is offered for e-books available on Amazon. Please click here for the complete set of specific gifting instructions. If you are using Amazon, we suggest that you use an account ending in .com (ex: amazon.com)
I have purchased the gift copy of my book but cannot find the email containing the GIFT CLAIM CODE from Amazon? Please click here for a PDF containing the easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
How do I enter & provide the gift claim code for my entry after I have the Gift Claim Code from Amazon? Please click here for a PDF containing the easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
How do I add the gift claim code to my draft (not yet submitted) copy of my entry form? Please click here for a PDF containing the easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
What if there is a problem with my e-book or you do not receive the gift or file? Due to time constraints, we are not able to track/confirm individual deliveries of e-books on a one-by-one basis. Please follow delivery instructions as provided. Although we appreciate the consideration, there is no need to email our office after sending a gift copy unless instructed. We will send an email to all entrants with missing files/books at times, before the judging wraps up, to make arrangements.
What if my e-book has multiple authors? No problem, just be sure to include all author’s names on the entry form. The email address submitted on the entry form should be the main contact for all competition related messages.
Can I replace an edited version of my e-book after I submit the entry? Once a book has been submitted, the judges will have access to start reading it; replacements and substitutes will not be allowed. You may submit a new edition of a qualifying entry; however, it would be considered as a new entry and would not replace the existing entry.