Writing Competitions Preparing Your Entry
WD’s writing competitions recognize writing excellence on a global scale. See below for information on preparing your entry. Contents GENERAL Writer’s Digest currently holds six distinct competitions throughout a year!…
WD's writing competitions recognize writing excellence on a global scale. See below for information on preparing your entry.
Writer’s Digest currently holds six distinct competitions throughout a year! Competitions offer a variety of prizes, categories, judging panels, etc. We encourage entrants to not limit themselves to entering only one competition. When looking at the guidelines below, please note that competitions are different from categories.
Important & Helpful Information Prior to Entering
- Review the specific competition prospectus. Each competitions prospectus is provided as an easy to follow PDF; they can be found on a specific competitions main page. Click here to view all competitions which are currently accepting submissions: https://www.writersdigest.com/wd-competitions
- Have your necessary information available when you are ready to submit your entry.
- All entries must be submitted online through Submittable. If you already have a Submittable account, simply log in!
- Please be sure that the email address that you provide will be valid throughout the competition span. Competition related updates and winner notifications are sent via: email. Please type carefully, and list only one valid email address. Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (both Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder for any expected but unaccounted for email communications.
- Once an entry has been submitted, no edits, replacements or exchanges will be accepted. If you wish to submit an edited or revised version of a previously submitted entry, you may enter it as a new submission (you may wish to edit the title slightly as well so that you can differentiate them).
- The submitter is who we will refer to as the author, and who we will contact with any questions, updates etc. If the submitter and the author are not the same, please indicate accordingly in parenthesis, on the submitter name line. If you write under a pen name, please indicate.
- Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful.
- Be sure that neither Writer’s Digest or Submittable email addresses are blocked. Blocking either address, including marking either as Spam or Junk, will prohibit you from receiving competition related updates, critical information, receipts, confirmations, etc.
- If you write under a pen name, or if there are multiple authors, please indicate names on PEN NAME line of the submission form.
- Writer’s Digest assumes all entries are original and are the works and property of the entrant, with all rights granted therein.
- Writer’s Digest is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant and will not become involved in copyright disputes.
- Writer's Digest reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet all named criteria.
- Winner Notification dates refer to the date that all winners will be notified by.
- Non-Winner Notification: Entrants not selected as winners will not be notified individually; non-winners will be emailed a competition status update in the weeks following the winner notification date. If you enter multiple times, please excuse duplicate emails, as you may receive an email for each separate entry.
- All entries must be submitted online. Only the Self-Published Book Awards accepts physical mail, as physical books are reviewed (see prospectus for details).
- Entry fees may be paid online by credit/debit card (MC, V, AMEX & DISC) or PayPal.
- All deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST, on the specified date. This is the date that all related materials (when applicable) must be shipped by as well. Mailed in entries/materials must deliver within 5 days of the current posted entry deadline, as listed on the website at the time of your submission
Category Selection
Select the category that best represents your entry. If the judges feel that another category is more appropriate, we will switch the category for you, on your behalf.
- Genre Fiction: Stories that fit into a specific classification such as mystery, romance, science fiction, horror or fantasy.
- Mainstream/Literary Fiction: Serious, non-formulaic fiction that does not fit into a genre. For the sake of separating them entirely from genre fiction, are combined into their own category. Literary fiction is generally more concerned with style and characterization, and may be paced more slowly than commercial fiction. It usually centers on a timeless, complex theme. Mainstream fiction is usually faster paced, with a stronger plot line (and more events and/or higher stakes). Characterization may not be as central to the story and the theme may be more obvious than literary fiction. The category of both of these two indicates that the story would generally appeal to a larger audience and isn't confined by the rules and structure you might see in a typical genre.
- Memoirs/Personal Essay: This is an article that is distinguished by and draws its power from its personal viewpoint. In such pieces, the author examines an issue, event, experience, place or idea and offers an opinion or some other reaction to it. The goal of an essay may be to explain, justify or persuade. The last is most often the goal of newspaper op-ed essays. Examples of other types of essays may be found in such magazine columns as Redbook‘s “A Young Mother’s Story” or New York Times “Modern Love” column. Memoirs or personal essays that are distinctly religious or spiritual in nature should be submitted to the “Inspiration” category.
- Nonfiction Essay or Article: This is an article in which the writer has researched a topic and explains the topic to readers. It can also profile an individual, a place or a topic. Often there is a “service” angle—a clear benefit that readers can take away from the article. There are many types of articles: how-to articles, personality profiles, Q&A’s, informational pieces, travel articles, magazine features, web articles, news articles. They may include events drawn from the author’s personal experience, but these are not personal essays, and the focus of the article should clearly be on providing readers with information.
- Inspirational: An article, essay or story with an explicitly religious, spiritual or otherwise inspirational focus. An article that’s suitable for Guideposts or St. Anthony Messenger, for example, would be inspirational. An essay on how the power of Christ, (or Buddha, or Allah or Vashti) touched your life would be inspirational. A story about the power of religion, the power of prayer, or the power of the universe would be inspirational.
- Rhyming Poetry: When the last word of some or all lines rhyme with each other. Ask yourself: What is the rhyme scheme of my poem? If you don’t understand what that question means, your poem is probably non-rhyming. Most formal poetry is considered rhyming poetry (such as sonnets or ballads).
- Non-rhyming poetry: When there is no recognizable or purposeful rhyme scheme or structure. Free verse falls under this category.
- Children’s/Young Adult Fiction: Fiction written for the children, adolescents, and young adults.
- Humor: This is an article/essay (or less commonly, a short story) that tells a humorous story which most likely happened to the author, however embellished it may be. While it may offer a similar insight on a topic as the memoir/personal essay category, it distinguishes itself by its tone and focus on humor. Think: essays by David Sedaris, Sloane Crosley, or Nora Ephron.
Word Count / Line Count Requirements
Online Entry forms must have the word/line/page count listed where requested.
Count refers to all words making up the story (no matter the number of letters in the word). Do not count the title or contact information in the word count.
- Rhyming Poem and Non-rhyming Poem: 40 lines maximum. Only count the lines containing text. Do not count blank lines between stanzas & do not count the title or contact information.
- Memoirs/Personal Essay, Nonfiction Essay or Article and Children’s/Young Adult Fiction: 2,000 words maximum.
- Inspirational Writing: 2,500 words maximum.
- Mainstream/Literary Short Story, Genre Short Story and Humor: 4,000 words maximum.
Entry Method Options/Preparing Your Entry
- All entries must be submitted online through Submittable. If you already have a Submittable account, simply log in! There is no cap as to the number of submissions that can be entered into the competition overall, however each submission (including edited versions being re-submitted) must be checked out separately.
- Please be sure that the email address that you provide will be valid throughout the competition. Competition related updates and winner notifications are sent via: email. Please type carefully and list only one email address. Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder for any expected but unaccounted for email communications.
- Cover pages are optional; they are not requested or necessary.
- Please submit text only; illustrations are not accepted. We recommend that you select a font which is easy to read; please do not use a decorative or script font. 12-point type size is preferred but not mandatory. We have no requirements as to the number of words per page. We have no rules or requirements regarding subject matter or language etc.
- It is preferred that an entry be formatted to 8.5 x 11 paper, single sided, 1 inch margins. We prefer any of the various standard-formatting styles (although non-conforming entries will not be disqualified). Poems may be either double-or single-spaced; all other documents must be double-spaced.
- Contact information is collected via the online entry form. You should not include this information on the file being uploaded. Only the category, word/line count and entry title should be included on the file being uploaded.
- Word counts are not to include entry title. All words (no matter the length) are to be included in the word count.
- For poetry entries, supply a line count instead of a word count. Line counts should include all lines that have text; do not include blank stanzas in your line count.
- When filling out the online submission form, you will be asked to upload your entry file. Accepted file formats include: .doc, .docx, and .pdf. Do not attach zipped files, or documents stored on the web like Google doc’s etc . Please name your file the same as your submission title if possible; identifying information should not be included in your file name.
- All entries must be submitted online. Entries must be accompanied by the required entry fee by credit/debit card or PayPal. All entries must be in English. Only original works that have not been published (at the time of submission) in print, digital or online publications will be considered. Self-published work in blogs, on social media, etc. will be considered. Entries in the Nonfiction Essay or Article category may be previously published. Any AI-generated or AI-assisted work will NOT be considered.
All submissions are final. Refunds are not provided for disqualified, withdrawn or non-winning entries. Once a submission has been checked out, it is entered into the competition, and cannot be edited or replaced.
If the Grand Prize Winner accepts the Writer’s Digest Conference portion of their prize, they must agree to travel (flying round-trip from the same city) during the conference dates in 2026. The editors or agents who meet with the Grand Prize Winner are under no obligation to read, buy or represent the Grand Prize Winner’s work. This prize includes airfare, hotel and conference registration.
Winners must fill out and submit the appropriate tax related forms in order to receive their cash awards. If the forms are not submitted within 60 days of the request date, cash awards may be forfeited.
Writer’s Digest retains one-time nonexclusive publication rights to the Grand Prize and top winning entries to be published in a Writer’s Digest publication.
Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder for any expected but unaccounted for email communications.
The following are not permitted to enter the contest, neither under their legal names nor pen names: employees of Active Interest Media and their immediate family members; Writer’s Digest Books authors; Writer's Digest contributing editors and columnists; and Writer’s Digest instructors for online courses and live webinars. Grand Prize-winning authors from this and other WD competitions, within the three years of being awarded, are not eligible. Previous top winning entries from this and other WD competitions are ineligible except in the case of substantial rewrites.
Ineligible entries will be disqualified.
Writer’s Digest assumes all entries are original and are the works and property of the entrant, with all rights granted therein.
Writer’s Digest is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant and will not become involved in copyright disputes.
Writer's Digest reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet all named criteria.
Winner and Honorable Mention Notification dates refer to the date that all winners will be notified by. Entrants not selected as winners or honorable mention recipients will not be notified at this time.
Non-winning submissions will receive a competition status update in the weeks following the notification of winners.
WD writing competitions are open to U.S. and non-U.S. residents; however, due to U.S. Government restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea.
SELF-PUBLISHED BOOK AWARDS (printed and bound books)
Category Selection
Select the category that best represents your entry. If the judges feel that another category is more appropriate, we will switch the category for you, on your behalf.
- Mainstream Fiction and Literary Fiction: For the sake of separating them entirely from genre fiction, are combined into their own category. Literary fiction is generally more concerned with style and characterization, and may be paced more slowly than commercial fiction. It usually centers on a timeless, complex theme. Mainstream fiction is usually faster paced, with a stronger plot line (and more events and/or higher stakes). Characterization may not be as central to the story and the theme may be more obvious than literary fiction. The category of both of these two indicates that the book would generally appeal to a larger audience and isn't confined by the rules and structure you might see in a typical genre.
- Genre Fiction: Includes all sub-genres such as Romance, Horror, Science Fiction, Humor, etc.
- Nonfiction/Reference: General Nonfiction, Cookbooks, Guidebooks, Textbooks, How-To etc.
- Inspirational/Self-Help: Spiritual, New Age etc.
- Memoirs/Life Stories: Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories etc.
- Early Readers/Children’s Picture Books: Stories told through a combination of text and pictures, generally written for children.
- Middle Grade/Young Adult: Stories written for a young audience but not told through a combination of text and pictures.
Entry Method Options/Preparing Your Entry
- Entrants must send a printed and bound book. PDF’s, galley proofs, ARCs, etc. are not accepted. E-book versions should be submitted into the WD E-book Awards; you may enter the same book in both competitions.
- All books must be registered online and accompanied by payment. Be sure that the submitter name on the official entry form is the same as the author name (as published).
- Please remember to mail a copy of your book to our office upon completion of the online form. Books should be postmarked within 5 business days of the posted entry deadline at the time of submission and should arrive within 5 days of the postmark date.
- Delivery confirmations must be tracked by the author; we are not able to confirm deliveries (this includes entries being shipped on behalf of the author).
- If you are having your book shipped on your behalf, submit your entry form & payment online. Be certain that the book is shipped to the complete & exact address as is listed on the entry form; we also recommend that you request tracking information as we are not able to confirm delivery of packages.
- Mailed in entries can take up to 60 days (after the entry deadline) to process.
- The competition is open to all English-language self-published books for which the authors have paid the full cost of publication, or the cost of printing has been paid for by a grant or as part of a prize.
- Entrants must send a printed and bound book*. No handwritten books are accepted. It is preferred that you include a copy of your submission form with your book. If your book is shipping direct from the publisher however, we understand that it may not be possible. Please do not email forms separately as they cannot be matched with your package.
- All books published or revised and reprinted between 2020 and 2025 are eligible. (Writer’s Digest may demand proof of eligibility of semifinalists.) If a book has been revised and republished, the copyright page MUST indicate that the revision occurred and the year it was republished. Any AI-generated or AI-assisted work will NOT be considered.
- Entries will be evaluated on content, writing quality and overall quality of production and appearance. Judges commentaries are final. A judge's commentary is based on their opinion and experience in the entered category. Their thoughts are not to be a wholesale condemnation or appraisal of the book. Please remember that all commentary should be taken with this understanding.
- All books must be registered online. You may enter more than one book and/or more than one category; however, you must include a separate book, entry form and the additional fee for each entry.
- Judges reserve the right to re-categorize entries.
- Payment of entry fees must be received before a title is forwarded to the judging panel.
- Refunds are not provided for disqualified, withdrawn or non-winning entries.
- The following are not permitted to enter the contest, neither under their legal names nor pen names: employees of Active Interest Media and their immediate family members; Writer's Digest contributing editors and columnists; and Writer’s Digest instructors for online courses and live webinars. Grand Prize-winning authors from this and other WD competitions, within the three years of being awarded, are not eligible. Previous top winning books from this and other WD competitions are ineligible except in the case of substantial rewrites. Books selected as Honorable Mention recipients may enter.
- Ineligible entries will be disqualified.
- If the Grand Prize Winner accepts the Writer's Digest Conference portion of their prize they must agree to travel (flying round-trip from the same city) during the conference dates in 2026. This prize includes airfare, hotel and conference registration.
- Winners must provide an appropriate tax form (W9 or W8BEN) in order to receive their cash awards. If the forms are not received within 60 days of the request date, cash awards may be forfeited.
- Writer’s Digest is not responsible for the loss, damage or return of any books submitted to the competition.
- Due to U.S. Government restrictions, we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea.
Word Count / Line Count Requirements
2,000 word maximum. Online Entry forms must have the word count listed where requested. Count refers to all words making up the essay (no matter the number of letters in the word). Do not count the title or contact information in the word count.
Preparing Your Entry
• All entries must be submitted online through Submittable. If you already have a Submittable account, simply log in! There is no cap as to the number of submissions that can be entered into the competition overall, however each submission (including edited versions being re-submitted) must be checked out separately.
• Please be sure that the email address you provide will be valid throughout the competition. Competition related updates and winner notifications are sent via: email and/or the Submittable messaging feature. Please type carefully and list only one email address. Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder as well as the MESSAGES tab within your Submittable account for any expected but unaccounted for communications.
• Please submit text only; illustrations are not accepted. We recommend that you select a font which is easy to read; please do not use a decorative or script font. 12-point type size is preferred but not mandatory. We have no requirements as to the number of words per page. We have no rules or requirements regarding subject matter or language etc.
• It is preferred that an entry be formatted as Letter, 8.5 x 11, single sided, normal 1-inch margins. All documents must be double-spaced.
• The submission file (both the manuscript/story itself as well as the file name) should not include any identifying information. We recommend that you avoid adding symbols/punctuation in file names of the document file which you are uploading. Files are not returned.
• Entries exceeding the word limit will be disqualified. Word count refers to all words making up the story (no matter the number of letters in the word). Do not count the title in the word count.
• When filling out the online submission form, you will be asked to upload your entry file. Accepted file formats include: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, .wpd and .pdf. Do not attach zipped files, or documents stored on the web like Google doc’s etc . Please name your file the same as your submission title if possible; identifying information should not be included in your file name.
• All entries must be submitted online. Entries must be accompanied by the required entry fee by credit/debit card or PayPal. All entries must be in English. Only original works that have not been published (at the time of submission) in print, digital or online publications will be considered. Self-published work in blogs, on social media, etc. will be considered. Any AI-generated or AI-assisted work will NOT be considered.
• Have your necessary information at hand when you are ready to submit your entry.
• Entries exceeding the 2,000 word limit will be disqualified. Word count refers to all words making up the story (no matter the number of letters in the word). Do not count the title in the word count.
• All submissions are final. Refunds are not provided for disqualified, withdrawn or non-winning entries. Once a submission has been checked out, it is entered into the competition, and cannot be edited or replaced.
• If the Grand Prize Winner accepts the Writer’s Digest Conference portion of their prize they must agree to travel (flying round-trip from the same city) during the conference dates in 2026. The editors or agents who meet with the Grand Prize Winner are under no obligation to read, buy or represent the Grand Prize Winner’s work. This prize includes airfare, hotel and conference registration.
• Winners must fill out and submit the appropriate tax related forms in order to receive their cash awards. If the forms are not submitted within 60 days of the request date, cash awards may be forfeited.
• Writer’s Digest retains one-time nonexclusive publication rights to the Grand Prize and top winning entries to be published in a Writer’s Digest publication.
• Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder for any expected but unaccounted for email communications.
• The following are not permitted to enter the contest, neither under their legal names nor pen names: employees of Active Interest Media and their immediate family members; Writer’s Digest Books authors; Writer's Digest contributing editors and columnists; and Writer’s Digest instructors for online courses and live webinars. Grand Prize-winning authors from this and other WD competitions, within the three years of being awarded, are not eligible. Previous top winning entries from this and other WD competitions are ineligible except in the case of substantial rewrites. Ineligible entries will be disqualified.
• Writer’s Digest assumes all entries are original and are the works and property of the entrant, with all rights granted therein.
• Writer’s Digest is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant and will not become involved in copyright disputes.
• Writer's Digest reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet all named criteria.
• Winner Notification dates refer to the date that all winners will be notified by. Entrants not selected as winners will not be individually notified; check the MESSAGES tab in Submittable for any related messaging.
• Non-winning submissions will receive a competition status update in the weeks following the notification of winners.
• WD writing competitions are open to U.S. and non-U.S. residents; however, due to U.S. Government restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea.
Category Selection
Select the category that best represents your entry.
- Contemporary Fiction: A work of fiction set in modern times with themes and/or subject matter that reflects this specific moment. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words. There are no limits for submissions; novellas to epics are all welcomed.
- Romance: Historical or contemporary, paranormal or suspenseful, chaste or sexy, LGBTQ+, no matter the path you take, don’t forget to deliver a satisfying happy ending. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words. There are no limits for submissions; novellas to epics are all welcomed.
- Fantasy: High or urban, historical or alternate histories, introduce us to new worlds and fantastic ideas that exceed the boundaries of our own reality. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words. There are no limits for submissions; novellas to epics are all welcomed.
- Science Fiction: Space opera or hard science, cyberpunk or steampunk, introduce us to new worlds, alternate histories, or fantastic ideas that push the boundaries of our own reality. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words. There are no limits for submissions; novellas to epics are all welcomed.
- Mystery/Thriller: From the classic whodunits and police procedurals to high stakes conflicts with ever-increasing tension, hook us from the start and keep us guessing until the end. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words. There are no limits for submissions; novellas to epics are all welcomed.
- Young Adult: Your preferred genre(s) but written specifically for readers age 12-18.Typical length: 30,000 to 100,000 words. There are no limits for submissions; novellas to epics are all welcomed.
- Narrative Nonfiction: Journalists and storytellers whose nonfiction work reads like it could be fiction (but isn’t!) should apply to this category which includes memoirs, biographies, historical narratives, popular science, travel writing, essay collections, etc. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words.
- Prescriptive/Informative Nonfiction: Subject-matter experts who aim to instruct or inform readers will find a home for their work in this category, which consists primarily of research-based works such as travel guides, cookbooks, how-to guides/reference, self-help, business, etc. Typical length: 40,000 to 100,000 words.
Entry Method Options/Preparing Your Entry
You must enter online and must provide a file of the book or submit your entry by using a gifting process like Amazon. If submitting a file of your book: Acceptable file types include .epub, .mobi, (PDFs, Microsoft Word documents and other word processing type documents [.doc, .docx, .odt, etc.] are not acceptable file types.) If submitting your book using the Amazon gifting process, please click here for complete & specific instructions. If you do not have the book file and cannot gift us a copy through Amazon, there is a space on the entry form where you can provide us instructions for obtaining a complimentary copy of your e-book. If selecting "Other" as your delivery method, please note that the book itself must be able to be accessed using a one-click link that provides immediate download and/or access to the book via a code. Judges will not provide personal information of any sort, nor will they set up accounts, provide emails etc., nor can they retrieve a book using a gift certificate or anything of monetary value. If you are submitting a file, please follow the requirements for that delivery method.
- Have your necessary information, including your e-book file or gifting code, at hand when you are ready to submit your entry.
- If gifting a copy of your book, please note that gift codes must be valid until through the entire competition-up to the winner notification date. If you choose to gift a copy of your book through iTunes, please note that their codes have a very short time span and you will most likely need to send additional codes at a later date (for this reason, Amazon gift codes are preferred over iTunes gift codes).
- Additional files/books/codes may be requested of semi-finalists.
- Note to foreign entrants: If you do not live in the U.S. and/or if the book is not available on a U.S. Platform (i.e.: [U.S.] Amazon.com vs. [non-U.S.] Amazon.ca), then the book may not be available to us due to copyright restrictions. In these cases, please provide an actual file of your entry at the time of submission, instead of providing a gift code.
- Entry fees can be paid by credit card/debit card (MC, V, AMEX & DISC) or PayPal. Please be sure that the email address that you provide will be valid throughout the competition span.
- Please write/type carefully and list only one complete and legible email address. Competition related updates are sent via Submittable messaging, and email.
- All entries must be submitted online; e-books must be provided at time of submission. Entries must be accompanied by the required entry fee by credit/debit card or PayPal.
- All entries must be in English.
- All books published or revised and republished between 2019 and 2024 are eligible. (Writer’s Digest may demand proof of eligibility of semifinalists.) If a book has been revised and republished, the copyright page MUST indicate that the revision occurred and the year it was republished. Any AI-generated or AI-assisted work will NOT be considered.
- There is no cap as to the number of submissions or categories that can be entered into the competition overall, however each submission is limited to one book and category (per entry).
- Additional entry discounts are only available when using the linked entry form offered during submission of a full price entry. We cannot offer refunds for discounts not redeemed through the linked form.
- All submissions are final. Refunds are not provided for disqualified, withdrawn, or non-winning entries. Once a submission has been checked out, it is entered into the competition and cannot with edited or replaced.
- If the Grand Prize Winner accepts the Writer’s Digest Conference portion of their prize they must agree to travel (flying round-trip from the same city) during the conference dates in 2025. The editors or agents who meet with the Grand Prize Winner are under no obligation to read, buy, or represent the Grand Prize Winner’s work. This prize includes airfare, hotel, and conference registration.
- Winners must fill out and submit the appropriate tax related forms in order to receive their cash awards. If the forms are not submitted within 60 days of the request date, cash awards may be forfeited.
- Writer’s Digest retains one-time nonexclusive publication rights to excerpts from the Grand Prize and top winning entries to be published in a Writer’s Digest publication. Authors retain all ownership of their work.
- Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder for any expected but unaccounted for email communications.
- The following are not permitted to enter the contest, neither under their legal names nor pen names: employees of Active Interest Media and their immediate family members; Writer’s Digest Books authors; Writer’s Digest contributing editors and columnists; and Writer’s Digest instructors for online courses and live webinars. Grand Prize-winning authors from this and other WD competitions, within the three years of being awarded, are not eligible. Previous top winning books from this and other WD competitions are ineligible except in the case of substantial rewrites. Ineligible entries will be disqualified.
- Writer’s Digest assumes all entries are original and are the works and property of the entrant, with all rights granted therein.
- Writer’s Digest is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant and will not become involved in copyright disputes.
- Writer’s Digest reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet all named criteria.
- Winner Notification dates refer to the date that all winners will be notified by. Entrants not selected as winners will not be notified at this time.
- Non-winning submissions will receive a competition status update in the weeks following the notification of winners.
- Writer’s Digest writing competitions are open to U.S. and non-U.S. residents; however, due to U.S. Government restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea.
Word Count / Line Count Requirements
32 line maximum. Online Entry forms must have the line count listed where requested. Count refers to lines containing text. Do not count blank lines between stanzas & do not count the title or contact information.
Entry Method Options/Preparing Your Entry
- All entries must be submitted online through Submittable. If you already have a Submittable account, simply log in! There is no cap as to the number of submissions that can be entered into the competition overall, however each submission (including edited versions being re-submitted) must be checked out separately.
- Please be sure that the email address you provide will be valid throughout the competition. Competition related updates and winner notifications are sent via: email and/or the Submittable messaging feature. Please type carefully and list only one email address. Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder as well as the MESSAGES tab within your Submittable account for any expected but unaccounted for communications.
- Please submit text only; illustrations are not accepted.
- Select a font that is easy to read; please do not use a decorative or script font; 12-point type size is preferred but not mandatory. We have no requirements as to the number of words per page.
- It is preferred that an entry be formatted to 8.5 x 11 paper, single sided, 1 inch margins. Documents may be single or double-spaced.
- Contact information is collected via: the online entry form. Do not include this information on the file being uploaded.
- Line counts are not to include contact information or entry title. Count refers to lines containing text. Do not count blank lines between stanzas.
- When filling out the online submission form, you will be asked to upload your entry file. Accepted file formats include: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, .wpd and .pdf. Do not attach zipped files, or documents stored on the web like Google doc’s etc . Please name your file the same as your submission title if possible; identifying information should not be included in your file name.
- Entry fees can be paid by credit card/debit card (MC, V, AMEX & DISC) or by PayPal.
- All entries must be in English. Only original works that have not been published (at the time of submission) in print, digital or online publications will be considered. Self-published work in blogs, on social media, etc. will be considered. Any AI-generated or AI-assisted work will NOT be considered.
- Writer’s Digest reserves one-time nonexclusive publication rights to the 1st- through 25th-place winning poems to be published in a Writer’s Digest publication. Authors retain all ownership of their work.
- Entries exceeding the line count requirements will be disqualified.
- Entry fees are due at the time of submission.
- Refunds are not provided for disqualified, withdrawn or non-winning entries.
- Winners must provide an appropriate tax form (W9 or W8BEN) in order to receive their cash awards. If the forms are not received within 60 days of the request date, cash awards may be forfeited.
- The following are not permitted to enter the contest, neither under their legal names nor pen names: employees of Active Interest Media and their immediate family members; Writer’s Digest Books authors; Writer's Digest contributing editors and columnists; and Writer’s Digest instructors for online courses and live webinars. Grand Prize-winning authors from this and other WD competitions, within the three years of being awarded, are not eligible. Previous top winning entries from this and other WD competitions are ineligible except in the case of substantial rewrites. Ineligible entries will be disqualified.
- Due to to U.S. Government restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea.
Word Count / Line Count Requirements
1,500 word maximum. Entry forms must have the word/line/page count listed where requested. Count refers to all words making up the story (no matter the number of letters in the word). Do not count the title or contact information in the word count.
Entry Method/Preparing Your Entry
- All entries must be submitted online through Submittable. If you already have a Submittable account, simply log in! There is no cap as to the number of submissions that can be entered into the competition overall, however each submission (including edited versions being re-submitted) must be checked out separately.
- Please be sure that the email address you provide will be valid throughout the competition. Competition related updates and winner notifications are sent via: email and/or the Submittable messaging feature. Please type carefully and list only one email address. Check your spelling carefully including all login information, email addresses etc. Incorrect email addresses may result in the transmission of important information being delayed and/or unsuccessful. Be sure that our email addresses (Writer’s Digest and Submittable) are not blocked, or you may not receive critical information, receipts, confirmations etc. Check your SPAM folder as well as the MESSAGES tab within your Submittable account for any expected but unaccounted for communications.
- Please submit text only; illustrations are not accepted.
- Select a font that is easy to read; please do not use a decorative or script font; 12-point type size is preferred but not mandatory. We have no requirements as to the number of words per page.
- It is preferred that an entry be formatted to 8.5 x 11 paper, single sided, 1 inch margins. All documents must be double-spaced.
- Since contact information is collected via: the online entry form; online entrants do not need to include this information on the file being uploaded. If you already have it appearing on the first page- it is permissible to leave it, just not necessary.
- Word counts are not to include contact information or entry title. All words (no matter the length) are to be included in the word count.
- When filling out the online submission form, you will be asked to upload your entry file. Accepted file formats include: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, .wpd and .pdf. Do not attach zipped files, or documents stored on the web like Google doc’s etc . Please name your file the same as your submission title if possible; identifying information should not be included in your file name.
- All entries must be in English. Only original works that have not been published (at the time of submission) in print, digital or online publications will be considered. Self-published work in blogs, on social media, etc. will be considered. Any AI-generated or AI-assisted work will NOT be considered.
- Writer’s Digest reserves one-time nonexclusive publication rights to the 1st- through 25th-place winning entries to be published in a Writer’s Digest publication. Authors retain all ownership of their work.
- Entries exceeding the word count requirements will be disqualified.
- Entry fees are due at the time of submission.
- Refunds are not provided for disqualified, withdrawn or non-winning entries.
- The First Place Winner must agree to travel (flying from the same city) during the conference dates in 2025.
- Winners must provide an appropriate tax form (W9 or W8BEN) in order to receive their cash awards. If the forms are not received within 60 days of the request date, cash awards may be forfeited.
- The following are not permitted to enter the contest, neither under their legal names nor pen names: employees of Active Interest Media and their immediate family members; Writer’s Digest Books authors; Writer's Digest contributing editors and columnists; and Writer’s Digest instructors for online courses and live webinars. Grand Prize-winning authors from this and other WD competitions, within the three years of being awarded, are not eligible. Previous top winning entries from this and other WD competitions are ineligible except in the case of substantial rewrites. Ineligible entries will be disqualified.
- Due to to U.S. Government restrictions we are unable to accept entries from Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea.
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