What would literary legends have tweeted? Help us figure it out, and you might appear in Writer’s Digest

Last week, we issued a challenge to write the fictitious tweets of dead literary greats. The tweets rolled in, and per our swag promise, we selected one random winner to…

Last week, we issued a challenge to write the fictitious tweets of dead literary greats. The tweets rolled in, and per our swag promise, we selected one random winner to claim some free books: Ashley Van Buren*. Her tweet:

Ernest Hemingway just ousted Maxwell Perkins as the mayor of Sloppy Joe's on @foursquare!

Moreover, we nerdily dug the results so much that we've decided to keep the challenge going for a few more days, with a new hook. This time around, write a tweet by a dead literary great, funny, sad or stirring, and post it in the Comments section here or on Twitter (include @WritersDigest), and your tweet just might be one of 10 that I'm hoping to feature in an upcoming issue of Writer's Digest magazine. (If you’re trying to post here and are having trouble
with the captcha code sticking, e-mail the tweet to me
at writersdigest@fwmedia.com, with “Promptly” in the subject line, and
I’ll make sure it gets up.)

You can read the tweets from last week here, and I'll post a few of the ones that came into our @WritersDigest Twitter account below.

Happy tweeting!

*Ashley, can you e-mail your address to me at writersdigest@fwmedia.com?


AllesInAllem: "Brevity is the soul of Twitter" -- Dorothy Parker

greyhausagency: "To Tweet, or not to tweet, that is the question?"

AbbyArrington: A tweet of one line, saves time. ~Benjamin Franklin

HorrorUpdates: "Never Explain Anything" #HPLovecraft #WinFreeBooks

SLClemens: I ponder the same question.


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Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.